DeVry COLL148 Week 1 Discussion Latest 2017
DQ1 Assessing and Evaluating Your Skills
These is the other discussion forums, where
we will unpack several ideas. In this forum, we will concentrate on discussing
ideas related to those introduced in the assigned textbook chapters, namely
Chapter 5. In these forums, we will exchange ideas and share our understanding.
Think of these discussion forums as learning communities in which members can
safely share their thinking with others for the purposes of further developing,
refining, and sharpening ideas. We are collectively constructing knowledge and
meaning in these forums. The topic of this forum will be skills as introduced
in Chapter 5 of our textbook.
DeVry COLL148 Week 2 Discussion Latest 2017
Management (graded)
of the assignments this week involves assessing your current time-management
approach and making a plan to improve your management of time. As such, let's
explore this topic together. We can think of this discussion forum as the space
where we can begin developing the responses we might include to complete the
time management assignment. We can develop our ideas about time management and
the strategies that are most effective for improving time management together,
as a learning community. Let's use our collective brain power to develop a
strong understanding of what it means to master time management. Follow along
in each new conversation throughout the week.
DeVry COLL148 Week 3 Discussion Latest 2017 January
Stress Management (graded)
assignment this week involves identifying stressors, the reactions and our experiences
of various stressors, and the strategies we might employ to manage our daily
stressors. Let's use this discussion forum to explore stress in general and
stressors in particular. Let's exchange ideas on stress management techniques.
Surely, there are things we can learn from one another in sharing our thoughts
on this subject. Contribute to each conversation thread. Take into account what
others have shared and further the conversation with your thoughts explored
within each thread.
DeVry COLL148 Week 4 Discussion Latest 2017
Setting for Better Decision Making (graded)
this discussion forum, let's explore the ideas introduced in the assigned
chapter this week regarding goal setting and decision making. The authors
introduce a five-step model for making decisions, which begins with goal
setting. Later, they clarify the distinction between goals and objectives.
Let's explore these ideas together. As a class, let's develop and strengthen
our understanding of goal setting and decision making to the degree that we
would feel confident holding up our end of a conversation with an expert in
goal setting and decision making
DeVry COLL148 Week 5 Discussion Latest 2017
Informational Interview Process (graded)
of the Week 5 Assignment involves preparing for an informational interview. An
informational interview is a powerful practice that can help you learn more
about a specific profession. It's also a great way to network with
professionals within your field of study. Let's develop an understanding of
what an informational interview is with reference to our textbook. Let's also
refer to our Week 2 Discussion, in which we explored career information.
Developing our understanding of the informational interview process and connecting
it with what we already know about our respective careers will help us build
the Week 5 Informational Interview Assignment.
DeVry COLL148 Week 6 Discussion Latest 2017
Thinking Critically About Motivation (Graded)
theory is an explanation. Put simple, when we offer an explanation for a
phenomenon, we are offering our theory. There are several theories to explain
various phenomena. There are theories to explain why brains develop Alzheimer's
disease, why the seasons change, how to design artificial intelligence, and so
forth. Some theories are widely accepted as sound and reasonable for the
explanations they offer. Other theories can be argued. Still, in other cases,
sometimes a theory is sound and reasonable, but there is one element of the
theory that is a point of contention. Your critical thinking skills are what
help you analyze a theory by taking it apart. The theory we will analyze in
this discussion forum is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Let's explore a theory
introduced in the textbook, and let's discuss it to develop and sharpen our
critical thinking skills. As critical thinkers who are analyzing a theory, we
are not interested in evaluations yet. Analysis comes first. So, let's try to
avoid saying whether we agree or disagree with the theory. Let's instead just
analyze the theory for now. Follow along in each new conversation thread.
DeVry COLL148 Week 7 Discussion Latest 2017
Exploring Your Personality (Graded)
this course, you have had many opportunities to learn more about yourself,
including your skills (e.g., Week 1), your mental outlook (e.g., Week 3), and
your values (e.g., Week 6) among other things. This week, the assigned reading
presents you with another opportunity to learn about yourself, namely your
personality. Let's use this discussion forum to explore personality
deliberately. Use the language of our textbook to discuss personality. We will
be relying on the Myers-Briggs way of conceptualizing personality, which is
introduced in our textbook. Bring this common language to the forum to keep our
conversations focused and centralized on the topic of personality
DeVry COLL148 Week 2 Time Management
Assignment Latest 2017
Time Management Assignment Week 2
Time Management Assignment Listen to the
10-minute presentation on time management located at SuccessU on THE|HUB.
Download the Week 2 Time Management Assignment Instructions to complete your
assignment. Write a reflection paper on your own time-management approach.
Write your reflection in a Microsoft Word document, then submit it to the
Dropbox. In your completed assignment, describe your approach to managing your
time. Then, discuss the issues that impact your time management the most. Finally,
describe two strategies that you can implement to more effectively manage your
time. Submit your assignment to the Week 2: Time Management Dropbox, located at
the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these
step-by-step instructions. See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for
Assignments & Exams" for due date information. Week 2 Time Management
Assignment An assignment you will submit to the Dropbox this week is the Time
Management Assignment. This week is the right place and time to talk about time
management. It is still early enough in the session to resolve any issues that
may affect your success, namely any issues you have with managing your time.
This assignment involves accessing a resource titled SuccessU. Within SuccessU,
there are several modules. You will watch the Time Management module this week
to complete this assignment. Next, write a reflection paper on your own time
management approach. Write your reflection in a Microsoft Word document. Then,
submit it to the Dropbox. In your completed assignment, describe your approach
to managing your time. Then, discuss the issues that impact your time
management most. Finally, describe two strategies that you can implement to
more effectively manage your time. Refer to the grading rubric below to
understand how this assignment will be graded.
DeVry COLL148 Week 3 Stress Management
Assignment Latest 2017 January
Stress Management Assignment
Listen to the 10-minute presentation on
stress management located at SuccessU on THE|HUB. Download the Week 3 Stress
Management Assignment Instructions to complete your assignment. Your completed
assignment is a reflection paper. In your write-up for this assignment, be
clear in your discussion of how you currently manage your stress. Discuss two
of the stressors you currently experience in detail. Finally, discuss two
practical and realistic techniques that you can employ that will effectively
target the specific stressors. Discuss the techniques thoroughly. Submit your
assignment to the Week 3: Stress Management Plan Dropbox, located at the top of
this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step
instructions. See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments &
Exams" for due date information. Week 3Stress Management Assignment A
statement you might be able to include in your mental outlook is “I am a master
of my stressors.” The assignment due this week will involve assessing your
current stress management approach. Like earlier assignments, you will access
SuccessU which will take you to the modules on various topics. The module
relevant this week is the “Stress Management” module. Your completed assignment
is a reflection paper. In your write-up for this assignment, be clear in your
discussion of how you currently manage your stress. Discuss two of the
stressors you currently experience in detail. Finally, discuss two practical
and realistic techniques that you can employ that will effectively target the
specific stressors. Discuss the techniques thoroughly. Be deliberate in the way
you intend to manage your stressors. This assignment is a reflection of your
mental outlook, so use it as a way to reveal the control you have in producing
positive outcomes in your life. Write your reflection in a Microsoft Word
Document. Then, submit it to the Dropbox. Please refer to the grading rubric
below to understand how this assignment will be graded.
DeVry COLL148 Week 4 Life Skills Lesson
Assignment Latest 2017 January
Life Skills Lessons Assignment
The Life Skills Assignment is one for which
you will access the website to complete two lessons. The lessons
will introduce you to topics related to paying for higher education. This guide
will help you get started. Submit your assignment to the Week 4: Life Skills
Lessons Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to
use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions. See the Syllabus section
"Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information.
Week 4 Life Skills Assignment 1. Go to 2. On the far right,
click “Request a new account” 3. Complete the Request Account form with you
identifying information to create an account. a. At the bottom where it
requests codes, use the following information: School Code: GRP0004 Student
Access Code: GRP0017 ? 4. Once logged in, click on My Catalog a. All students
are required to complete at least TWO Life Skills Lessons b. Complete the
lesson “101 How Will I Pay for My Higher Education?” “204 How Do I Manage My
School Life?” 5. When you complete your Lessons with a score of 80% or better,
take a screen shot and then copy/paste the image into a Microsoft Word
Document. (Lessons can be taken multiple times to increase your score.) a.
Then, simply upload your Word Document to the dropbox.
DeVry COLL148 Week 5 Latest 2017 January
Informational Interview Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is for you
to become familiar with your degree program, your future occupation, and the
extent to which these align with one another. This document will help you
navigate to the specific sites you will need to visit in order to complete this
assignment. The final page of this document contains the items you will provide
responses to in order to complete this assignment separated into sections
labeled 1, 2, and 3. Informational Interview Assignment Submit your assignment
to the Week 5: Informational Interview Dropbox, located at the top of this
page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step
instructions. See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments &
Exams" for due date information. Week 5 Informational Interview Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is for you to become familiar with your degree
program, your future occupation, and the extent to which these align with one
another. This document will help you navigate to the specific sites you will
need to visit in order to complete this assignment. The final page of this
document contains the items you will provide responses to in order to complete
this assignment separated into sections labeled 1, 2, and 3. Step 1: Navigate
the Web to Retrieve Your Degree Program Guide 1. Go
to 2. Download a DeVry
Program Guide by selecting the hyperlink that best describes your
specialization.It will look like this. 3. Read the two-page DeVry Program
Guide. 4. Then, respond to the items in Section 1.
DeVry COLL148 Week 6 Personal Values
Assignment Latest 2017 January
Week 6 Personal Values Assignment
In Chapter 3 of our textbook, Sukiennik and
Raufman (2016) introduced values and explained several ways to help you
identify the values you hold dear. For example, Sukiennik and Raufman (2016)
encouraged you to explore the things that you cherish and note them because
this will reveal something about what you value. They also suggested you
examine the positions and opinions you’re willing to state publicly as a way to
uncover the values that are guiding and influencing your behavior. Another way
is to explore your accomplishments and examine how these life experiences
reflect the things you regard as important. Below are the various approaches
you can take to clarify your values. Read about each of these approaches as
they are explained further by Sukiennikand Raufman (2016) on pages 40 and 42.
Instructions:To complete the assignment, begin by choosing one of the
approaches below to identify your values. Follow the steps of the approach.
When you have identified three to five values that you genuinely hold, answer
the questions below in a separate Microsoft Word document. Submit your
assignment to the Dropbox by the assignment deadline. The Values Grid(see
Sukinnik and Raufman, 2016, p. 40) 1. Record at least five of your
accomplishments. 2. Then, beside each accomplishment, write down a few values
that are reflected in each accomplishment. 3. Finally, you will have several
values listed. Identify the five values common among your accomplishments. OR
Explore Your Values(see Sukinnik and Raufman, 2016, p. 42) 1. In this approach,
you can begin by listing activities you enjoy. You might also answer
exploratory questions, such as “what would you do with unlimited funds?” 2.
Provide lengthy responsesto these questions. 3. Then, review the responses you
provided with the intention of identifying the values reflected in your
responses. OR Success Strategies Values(see Sukinnik and Raufman, 2016, p. 42)
1. Record 5–10 decisions you made in the previous week, big and small. 2.
Review the decisions. More specifically, look for patterns in the choices you
made throughout the week. 3. Finally, evaluate whether the decisions you made
align with what you say you value. Questions Describe the approach you took in
identifying your three to five values. Which approach did you choose from the
list above, and how did you use the approach to identify your values (1–2
paragraphs)? What values did you identify, and what does each value mean to you
exactly (1–2 paragraphs that includes the values you identified along with
personally meaningful definitions in your own words)? Sukinennik and Raufman
(2016) suggest that you consider how you will use your values. They ask the
question “In the service of what need, will you put your values to work?” (p.
47). Express your values in the form of a mission statement (1–2 sentences that
are goal-oriented and that include the values listed above).
Devry COLL148 Week 7 Personality and
Interests Assignment Latest 2017 January
Week 7 Personality and Interests Assignment
This assignment involves completing
assessments introduced in the textbook and reflecting on the results. The first
assessment involves identifying your personality preferences using the
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) introduced in our textbook. The second
assessment involves identifying your interests using the Holland Interest
Environment (RIASEC). Follow the instructions below, complete both assessments,
and answer the questions with thorough, well-developed responses. Create a
Microsoft Word document, and format it so that your completed assignment is
easy to follow from one section to the next. Submit your Microsoft Word
document to the Dropbox by the assignment deadline. First, Complete the
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is
introduced in our textbook (see Sukiennik&Raufman, 2016, p. 53). Read about
the Myers-Briggs so that you fully understand what this is exactly. The
instrument assesses your four personal preferences. The four preferences are as
follows. Extroversion or Introversion Sensing or Intuition Thinking or Feeling
Judging or Perceiving To complete the assignment, do the following. 1.Begin by
accessing the textbook and reviewing pages 53 through 55. 2.Next, assess
yourself by completing each part of the MBTI instrument, specifically the
following. a. Part 1 to assess your extroversion and introversion on page 53 b.
Part 2 to assess your sensing or intuition on page 54 c. Part 3 to assess your
thinking or feeling on page 54 d. Part 4 to assess your judging or perceiving
on page 55 3.Identify your four-letter personal preference type. 4.Interpret
your results using the descriptions of personality types on page 57. 5.Answer
this question regarding your MBTI results.What was your four-letter MBTI
personality type, and in what way is the description of your personality type
on page 57 consistent/inconsistent with how you chose the degree you are
pursuing? (1–2 paragraphs) Second, Complete the Holland Interest Environment
(RIASEC) The Holland Interest Environment (RIASEC) is introduced in our
textbook (see Sukiennik&Raufman, 2016, p. 59). Read about the Holland
Environment so that you fully understand what this is exactly. The instrument
assesses your interests and groups them into “environments” or categories. The
environments include the following. Realistic Investigative Artistic Social
Enterprising Conventional To complete the assignment, do the following. 1.Begin
by accessing the textbook and reviewing pages 59 through 63. 2.Review each
“environment” description and select the one that best describes you. a. Does
the realistic environment best describe you (see page 60)? b. Does the
investigative environment best describe you (see page 60)? c. Does the artistic
environment best describe you(see page 61)? d. Does the social environment best
describe you (see page 61)? e. Does the enterprising environment best describe
you (see page 61)? f. Does the conventional environment best describe you (see
page 62)? 3.Identify the one environment that best describes you. 4.Answer this
question regarding your RIASEC results.What was the environment that best
described you, and in what way were the hobbies and sample careers within the
environment description consistent/inconsistent with your career interests?
(1–2 paragraphs) Grading Rubric Graded Item Description
Good/Fair/Poor/Incomplete Reflecting on MBTI Results Completed assignment is a
well-developed self-reflection. It includes a thorough interpretation of the
MBTI results. Response to the MBTI question includes the results of assessment.
Responses are insightful and demonstrate critical thinking. It is approximately
one to two paragraphs. 20/15/10/0 Reflecting on RIASEC Results Completed
assignment includes a thorough interpretation of the RIASEC results. Response
to the RIASEC question includes the results of the assessment. Responses are
insightful and demonstrate critical thinking. It is approximately one to two
paragraphs. 20/15/10/0 Writing, Mechanics, and Grammar Paragraphs are focused
and flow from idea to idea. The completed assignment is not a collection of
random thoughts. Writing is clear. Student has elaborated on the insights
gained and used examples to provide further clarity. Writing is correct.Any
errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar do not interfere with meaning.
10/5/2/0 Total Points Earned Total Points Possible 50
Devry COLL148 week 8 Professional Summary
Assignment Latest 2017 January
This week, you will have one final
assignment. It is a comprehensive assignment of sorts that will ask you to
reflect on what you have learned about yourself throughout this course. You
have completed several assignments and engaged in several discussions where you
reflected on your skills, values, mental outlook, accomplishments, personality,
and interests. In completing those assignments, you have learned a lot about
yourself. Take the insights you have garnered from the earlier assignments, and
create a brief but focused professional summary that communicates to others the
greatest qualities about yourself. Week 8 Professional Summary Assignment This
assignment involves writing your professional summary. A professional summary
consists of several statements and phrases. The statements and phrases are
always written with action verbs; for example, “skilled in,” “achieved,” or
“served as leader of.” It is specific, brief, and focused. The summary makes a
deliberate impression on your reader. A professional summary reveals in the
statements and phrases your values and mental outlook. It reveals components of
your personality that are your greatest assets. It highlights accomplishments
and the results you have produced in the various roles you have held (e.g.,
team member, employee, community volunteer, trainer, presenter, etc.). As a
collection of statements and phrases, it reveals what you bring to whatever
pursuits you direct your attention. Instructions:Much of the content that you
will include in your professional summary already exists in the assignments you
have completed in this class and the various contributions you have made to the
discussion forums.Refer back to your completed assignments and the previous
discussion forums to survey the things you revealed and shared about
yourself.What skills did you identify? What are your values, and what is your
mental outlook? What qualities of your personality can you highlight in a
professional summary? What are your accomplishments, and how do these
accomplishments reveal your particular interests within your specific field of
study?Then, take those insights and consider how you can structure the best
insights into statements and phrases that reveal your skills, values, mental
outlook, accomplishments, personality, and interests. Here, you will need to
exercise your creativity. Next, use action verbs to begin each statement and
phrase. Lastly, write it professionally, that is, make an effort to be
specific, brief, and focused. Keep in mind that you are writing this summary to
make a deliberate and intended impression on the reader, so write each
statement and phrase purposefully.Submit your assignment to the Dropbox by the
assignment deadline as a Microsoft Word document (one paragraph with
approximately 5–10 sentences or phrases). Suggestion:Review Sukiennik and
Raufman (2016) to learn more about how to use action verbs in your professional
summary (see p. 199). Suggestion:See examples below that reflect ways to start
your professional summary. Suggestion:Use the grading rubric below as a
checklistof what you must reveal about yourself in your professional summary.
Suggestion:Exercise your creativity in crafting your professional summary.
Taking what you shared and learned about yourself from the assignments in this
course and putting them together into a professional summary will demand your
creativity. That said, consider creative ways to structure the statements and
phrases you include in your professional summary. Still, write it so that you
can use it in professional contexts (i.e., your resume or LinkedIn profile).
Example 1 highlights the skills, values, and accomplishments of an individual who
has no professional experience but who has worked inclasses on small team
projects and volunteered at a local soup kitchen. Skilled in leading teams in
short-term projects.Passion for community outreach and developing
relationships.Increased volunteer pool for improved staffing at community soup
kitchen. Example 2 highlightsaccomplishments and the personality strengths,
namely thinking and judging, of an individual with professional experience.
Directed market strategies that accelerated market voice by 3% year over
year.Expert in planning and facilitating organizational change.Performed
rigorous analyses and quarterly evaluations focused on improving operational
efficiency. Grading Rubric Graded Item Description Good/Fair/Poor/Incomplete
Highlight Skills Summary includes one to two statements or phrases that
highlight skills. 20/15/10/0 Reveal Personal Values Summary includes one to two
statements or phrases that reflect personal values that you regard as
important. 20/15/10/0 Highlight Personality Strengths Summary includes one to
two statements or phrases that highlight personality strengths. 20/15/10/0
Reveal Personal Interests Summary includes one to two statements or phrases
that reflect a particular interest within your field of study or career. 20/15/10/0
Include Accomplishments and Results Summary includes one to two statements or
phrases that refer to accomplishments and results you have produced. 20/15/10/0
Writing and Formatting Writing is clear andis grammatically and mechanically
correct. 0/-5/-10 Total Points Earned Total Points Possible 100
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