week 2
The Profile Essay
Using the plans you outlined in last week’s
Profile Process Piece assignment, you are now ready to compose the Profile
essay. Be sure to read this week’s lecture and Chapter 5 in your text for more
information about writing profiles, keeping these key components in mind:
Profiles take a specific angle
that shares a significant issue, important contribution, or surprising quality
of a person, place, or event with which you have first-hand experience.
Profiles are not full life
stories; instead, they share a fresh perspective on a larger issue.
Profiles require writers to
take a close look at a subject and use detail and description to bring the
subject to life.
The subject of the Profile
should focus on a local person you know, a place you have visited, or an event
you have attended, meaning the subject should be a part of your local
neighborhood, community, or town.
The audience of the Profile
essay is the local community. Imagine the readers as neighbors and local
community members.
The best topics and angles are those that
are interesting to the writer. Be sure to choose a subject that is fascinating
to you and that you’d like to learn more about. Also consider that your chosen
subject and the angle you choose should be of interest to your audience.
Outside research is not required for this essay and is discouraged. If there
has been published information regarding your subject that will help add
insight to your essay, please include it; however, all research you do must be
documented in APA style (for in-text citations and a Reference page). Be sure
to check with your professor if you have questions about integrating research.
The grading rubric for this essay is available in Doc Sharing.
Additional requirements include
two to three double-spaced
pages, not including the title page;
typed and submitted to the Week
2 Dropbox in Microsoft Word 2010 (.docx); and APA standards for formatting,
including 12-point font, and
APA cover page, running heads,
and page numbers.
Please be sure to review the tutorial on
formatting an APA paper and title page.
Week 3
Rhetorical Analysis Planning Sheet
This week, you will be working on the
Rhetorical Analysis by starting to draft and organize your ideas. You will
submit a Rhetorical Analysis Planning Sheet this week to the Dropbox for your
professor to grade. The purpose of this assignment is to begin collecting
information and putting it in writing as you prepare for the 3- to 4-page final
Rhetorical Analysis you will submit in Week 4. First, read this week's lesson
and begin Chapter 8 in your text. Then go to the search engine of your choice
and search for a print advertisement to use as the subject of your Rhetorical
Analysis. You will need to provide a URL for your chosen ad, so be sure it is
available online. Your chosen ad can be current or vintage. If you would like
to analyze an ad from a different time period, type the phrase "vintage
ads" into your browser. Choose an ad that you can analyze based on its
rhetorical appeals (reasoning, character, and emotion), and be sure the ad you
choose is intriguing to you. Please make sure that your chosen ad is
appropriate for classroom use and the workplace. Locate the file “Week 3 Rhetorical
Analysis Planning Sheet template” in Doc Sharing. Use this template and follow
the format provided to create your planning sheet this week. You’ll need to
identify and describe the ad, draft a thesis, identify the use of rhetorical
appeals, and draft a conclusion. At the end of your extended draft outline,
copy and paste the URL or website address for your ad (it will begin with
http://) so that your readers can also view the ad.
Successful assignments will:
1. identify an advertisement, current or vintage, that’s appropriate
for a college-level audience;
2. include a draft of the introduction and conclusion (minimum of one
paragraph each);
3. include a tentative thesis statement at the end of the
4. include details to establish the visual description and context of
the ad;
5. identify the various ways rhetorical appeals are used; and
6. be typed and submitted as a Microsoft Word 2010 document (.docx)
using 12-point font.
Be sure to review the Week 3 Rhetorical
Analysis Planning Sheet Rubric in Doc Sharing. Submit your assignment to the
Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the
Dropbox, read these">step-by-step
instructions. See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments &
Exams" for due date information.
Devry ENGL112 Week 4 Assignment Latest 2017 January
The Rhetorical Analysis Final Essay This week, you will use the drafting and planning work from the Week 3 Extended Draft Outline to write the final three- to four-page Rhetorical Analysis essay. Draw upon last week’s assignment, the lecture, and textbook reading to help you understand and meet the requirements for the Rhetorical Analysis. Other than finding your chosen ad online, no outside research is required for this essay. Although outside research is discouraged, you may incorporate research if it has a clear purpose in the essay. Any research used must be formatted in APA style through in-text citations and the end References page. It is best to check with your professor if you are considering using research. At the end of your Rhetorical Analysis Essay, copy and paste the URL or website address for your ad (it will begin with http://) so that your readers also can view the ad. Successful assignments will: be focused on analyzing an advertisement, current or vintage, that’s appropriate for a college-level audience; include a thesis statement at the end of the introduction that conveys the overall effectiveness of the chosen ad; include details to establish the visual description and context of the ad; identify the various ways rhetorical appeals are used; be typed and submitted as a Microsoft Word 2010 document (.docx), with 12-point font and APA formatting for margins, title page, running heads, and page numbers (Please be sure to review the tutorial on formatting an APA paper and title page.); Transcript be three to four double-spaced pages, not including the title page; and be submitted to the Week 4 Dropbox for grading. Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions. See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information. Plagiarism Tutorial Click on the link above to view the tutorial. APA Reference Materials APA Guidelines for Citing Sources This tutorial is a resource for citing references using the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Highlights include purposes of citing, guidelines and examples of how to cite sources in text and at the end of a paper, and how to format a reference list or an entire paper. Transcript APA Handbook This handbook is a resource for citing references using the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Highlights include APA websites, practice exercises, ways to avoid plagiarism, and guidelines and examples for how to use sources, cite sources in TDA posts, cite in the text and at the end of a paper, edit citations, and format a reference list or an entire paper. American Psychological Association (APA) Style Website This website provides answers to frequently asked questions and lists APA manuals, style guides, and software available for sale. Purchase is optional. Two good references are Concise Rules of APA Style and the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
Devry ENGL112 Week 5 Assignment Latest 2017 January
Topic Proposal and Summary Your assignment this week asks you to choose your Commentary topic, issue, and angle, and to begin understanding how your own position fits into the larger conversation. To accomplish this overall goal, you’ll need to begin by reviewing viable topics, listening to the conversations surrounding them, and ultimately determining which topic is most fitting for the assignment needs. You’ll then summarize the main ideas within your topic, including the perspectives of others within the conversation. To complete this week’s assignment, please find the Week 5 Topic Proposal and Summary in Doc Sharing. Download it for use in recording your responses in paragraph format. Be sure to check Doc Sharing for the Week 5 Assignment Rubric as well. You may want to visit the Course Resources page under the Course Home to visit the Pros & Cons of Controversial Issues site. It can help you with topic selection. It also provides different perspectives on topics. A link to the DeVry Library is also in the Course Resources page under the Course Home. Once you have completed the Topic Proposal and Summary, submit it to the Week 5 Dropbox for grading. Be sure to meet the following requirements. Use the Week 5 Topic Proposal and Summary document to complete this assignment. Write in complete sentences and paragraphs, using correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Use the APA resources below and Chapter 28 in your text to document your sources in APA format as full references. Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions. See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information. Plagiarism Tutorial Click on the link above to view the tutorial. APA Reference Materials APA Guidelines for Citing Sources This tutorial is a resource for citing references using the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Highlights include purposes of citing, guidelines and examples of how to cite sources in text and at the end of a paper, and how to format a reference list or an entire paper. Transcript APA Handbook This handbook is a resource for citing references using the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Highlights include APA websites, practice exercises, ways to avoid plagiarism, and guidelines and examples for how to use sources, cite sources in TDA posts, cite in the text and at the end of a paper, edit citations, and format a reference list or an entire paper. American Psychological Association (APA) Style Website This website provides answers to frequently asked questions and lists APA manuals, style guides, and software available for sale. Purchase is optional. Two good references are Concise Rules of APA Style and the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
Devry ENGL112 Week 6 Assignment Latest 2017 January
The Commentary Rough Draft The first three pages of your Commentary rough draft are due this week. This week’s draft should include the following. An introduction that catches reader’s attention, provides an overview of the topic, and presents a new or unique angle on a current event A thesis that transitions from the introduction to the body and clearly provides the writer’s position on the topic; the thesis should be debatable, meaning others may disagree or have a different perspective Discussion of background and other perspectives within the larger conversation, represented through integration of research Body paragraphs that explain, support, and answer the promise of the thesis statement Effective use of author tags, direct quotes, summary, and paraphrases Proper APA style for in-text citation and an end References page Additional Requirements Three complete body pages (double-spaced), plus title page and reference page Essay typed and submitted as a Microsoft Word 2010 document (.docx), with 12-point font and APA formatting for margins, title page, running heads, and page numbers; please be sure to review the formatting in the APA paper and title page tutorial Integration of a minimum of two credible sources Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions. See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information. Plagiarism Tutorial Click on the link above to view the tutorial. APA Reference Materials APA Guidelines for Citing Sources This tutorial is a resource for citing references using the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Highlights include purposes of citing, guidelines and examples of how to cite sources in text and at the end of a paper, and how to format a reference list or an entire paper. Transcript APA Handbook This handbook is a resource for citing references using the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Highlights include APA websites, practice exercises, ways to avoid plagiarism, and guidelines and examples for how to use sources, cite sources in TDA posts, cite in the text and at the end of a paper, edit citations, and format a reference list or an entire paper. American Psychological Association (APA) Style Website This website provides answers to frequently asked questions and lists APA manuals, style guides, and software available for sale. Purchase is optional. Two good references are Concise Rules of APA Style and the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Course Project Starting the drafting process this week will not only give you a head start on writing, but it will allow you to receive professor feedback before the final part is due next week. Additionally, peer review will be conducted in class next week, so you will also have feedback from peers to guide you through the revision process. As you start drafting, remember that the final Commentary essay (due in Week 7) must include the following requirements. Five full body pages, plus an APA title page and a References page, written in Microsoft Word 2010 (.docx) APA formatting for font, margins, spacing, running heads, page numbers, and in-text citations A minimum of three academic sources A unique angle that takes a set position on a topic currently in the news
Week 7
The Rhetorical Analysis Final Essay This week, you will use the drafting and planning work from the Week 3 Extended Draft Outline to write the final three- to four-page Rhetorical Analysis essay. Draw upon last week’s assignment, the lecture, and textbook reading to help you understand and meet the requirements for the Rhetorical Analysis. Other than finding your chosen ad online, no outside research is required for this essay. Although outside research is discouraged, you may incorporate research if it has a clear purpose in the essay. Any research used must be formatted in APA style through in-text citations and the end References page. It is best to check with your professor if you are considering using research. At the end of your Rhetorical Analysis Essay, copy and paste the URL or website address for your ad (it will begin with http://) so that your readers also can view the ad. Successful assignments will: be focused on analyzing an advertisement, current or vintage, that’s appropriate for a college-level audience; include a thesis statement at the end of the introduction that conveys the overall effectiveness of the chosen ad; include details to establish the visual description and context of the ad; identify the various ways rhetorical appeals are used; be typed and submitted as a Microsoft Word 2010 document (.docx), with 12-point font and APA formatting for margins, title page, running heads, and page numbers (Please be sure to review the tutorial on formatting an APA paper and title page.); Transcript be three to four double-spaced pages, not including the title page; and be submitted to the Week 4 Dropbox for grading. Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions. See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information. Plagiarism Tutorial Click on the link above to view the tutorial. APA Reference Materials APA Guidelines for Citing Sources This tutorial is a resource for citing references using the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Highlights include purposes of citing, guidelines and examples of how to cite sources in text and at the end of a paper, and how to format a reference list or an entire paper. Transcript APA Handbook This handbook is a resource for citing references using the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Highlights include APA websites, practice exercises, ways to avoid plagiarism, and guidelines and examples for how to use sources, cite sources in TDA posts, cite in the text and at the end of a paper, edit citations, and format a reference list or an entire paper. American Psychological Association (APA) Style Website This website provides answers to frequently asked questions and lists APA manuals, style guides, and software available for sale. Purchase is optional. Two good references are Concise Rules of APA Style and the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
Devry ENGL112 Week 5 Assignment Latest 2017 January
Topic Proposal and Summary Your assignment this week asks you to choose your Commentary topic, issue, and angle, and to begin understanding how your own position fits into the larger conversation. To accomplish this overall goal, you’ll need to begin by reviewing viable topics, listening to the conversations surrounding them, and ultimately determining which topic is most fitting for the assignment needs. You’ll then summarize the main ideas within your topic, including the perspectives of others within the conversation. To complete this week’s assignment, please find the Week 5 Topic Proposal and Summary in Doc Sharing. Download it for use in recording your responses in paragraph format. Be sure to check Doc Sharing for the Week 5 Assignment Rubric as well. You may want to visit the Course Resources page under the Course Home to visit the Pros & Cons of Controversial Issues site. It can help you with topic selection. It also provides different perspectives on topics. A link to the DeVry Library is also in the Course Resources page under the Course Home. Once you have completed the Topic Proposal and Summary, submit it to the Week 5 Dropbox for grading. Be sure to meet the following requirements. Use the Week 5 Topic Proposal and Summary document to complete this assignment. Write in complete sentences and paragraphs, using correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Use the APA resources below and Chapter 28 in your text to document your sources in APA format as full references. Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions. See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information. Plagiarism Tutorial Click on the link above to view the tutorial. APA Reference Materials APA Guidelines for Citing Sources This tutorial is a resource for citing references using the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Highlights include purposes of citing, guidelines and examples of how to cite sources in text and at the end of a paper, and how to format a reference list or an entire paper. Transcript APA Handbook This handbook is a resource for citing references using the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Highlights include APA websites, practice exercises, ways to avoid plagiarism, and guidelines and examples for how to use sources, cite sources in TDA posts, cite in the text and at the end of a paper, edit citations, and format a reference list or an entire paper. American Psychological Association (APA) Style Website This website provides answers to frequently asked questions and lists APA manuals, style guides, and software available for sale. Purchase is optional. Two good references are Concise Rules of APA Style and the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
Devry ENGL112 Week 6 Assignment Latest 2017 January
The Commentary Rough Draft The first three pages of your Commentary rough draft are due this week. This week’s draft should include the following. An introduction that catches reader’s attention, provides an overview of the topic, and presents a new or unique angle on a current event A thesis that transitions from the introduction to the body and clearly provides the writer’s position on the topic; the thesis should be debatable, meaning others may disagree or have a different perspective Discussion of background and other perspectives within the larger conversation, represented through integration of research Body paragraphs that explain, support, and answer the promise of the thesis statement Effective use of author tags, direct quotes, summary, and paraphrases Proper APA style for in-text citation and an end References page Additional Requirements Three complete body pages (double-spaced), plus title page and reference page Essay typed and submitted as a Microsoft Word 2010 document (.docx), with 12-point font and APA formatting for margins, title page, running heads, and page numbers; please be sure to review the formatting in the APA paper and title page tutorial Integration of a minimum of two credible sources Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions. See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information. Plagiarism Tutorial Click on the link above to view the tutorial. APA Reference Materials APA Guidelines for Citing Sources This tutorial is a resource for citing references using the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Highlights include purposes of citing, guidelines and examples of how to cite sources in text and at the end of a paper, and how to format a reference list or an entire paper. Transcript APA Handbook This handbook is a resource for citing references using the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Highlights include APA websites, practice exercises, ways to avoid plagiarism, and guidelines and examples for how to use sources, cite sources in TDA posts, cite in the text and at the end of a paper, edit citations, and format a reference list or an entire paper. American Psychological Association (APA) Style Website This website provides answers to frequently asked questions and lists APA manuals, style guides, and software available for sale. Purchase is optional. Two good references are Concise Rules of APA Style and the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Course Project Starting the drafting process this week will not only give you a head start on writing, but it will allow you to receive professor feedback before the final part is due next week. Additionally, peer review will be conducted in class next week, so you will also have feedback from peers to guide you through the revision process. As you start drafting, remember that the final Commentary essay (due in Week 7) must include the following requirements. Five full body pages, plus an APA title page and a References page, written in Microsoft Word 2010 (.docx) APA formatting for font, margins, spacing, running heads, page numbers, and in-text citations A minimum of three academic sources A unique angle that takes a set position on a topic currently in the news
Week 7
The Final Commentary Essay
Drawing on the Week 5 Topic Selection Prewriting activity and last week’s draft, you are now required to submit your final, polished Commentary essay. Be sure to review this week’s lecture for tips to guide you through the revision process and for a checklist of assignment requirements. Also review the Week 7 Final Commentary Rubric in Doc Sharing for additional guidance. The Final Commentary essay should include: five full body pages, plus an APA title page and references page, written in Microsoft Word 2010 (.docx); APA-formatted in-text citations; a minimum of three credible sources; a personal angle that takes a set position on a topic that is currently in the news; and 12-point font and APA-formatting for margins, title page, running heads, and page numbers. (Please be sure to review the tutorial on formatting an APA paper and title page.)
week 8
Drawing on the Week 5 Topic Selection Prewriting activity and last week’s draft, you are now required to submit your final, polished Commentary essay. Be sure to review this week’s lecture for tips to guide you through the revision process and for a checklist of assignment requirements. Also review the Week 7 Final Commentary Rubric in Doc Sharing for additional guidance. The Final Commentary essay should include: five full body pages, plus an APA title page and references page, written in Microsoft Word 2010 (.docx); APA-formatted in-text citations; a minimum of three credible sources; a personal angle that takes a set position on a topic that is currently in the news; and 12-point font and APA-formatting for margins, title page, running heads, and page numbers. (Please be sure to review the tutorial on formatting an APA paper and title page.)
week 8
The Commentary Reflection and Postscript
We began this class by thinking about the different intentions we have in conveying meaning through our written messages. You’ve been pushed throughout this session to use writing as a means of exploring the world around you and as a convoy for making new meaning and helping to frame your point of view. The hard work of drafting, researching, and revising is behind you. Now it’s time to reflect on all that you have learned and the ways in which you have grown as a writer. In a brief reflective postscript, please answer the following questions as they relate to your writing process throughout the Commentary essay: What new insights have you gained on your Commentary topic throughout the process of drafting, researching, and revising? Did your point of view change at all? If so, how or why? You began to conduct and incorporate academic research during the writing and planning of your Commentary essay. How well-prepared do you feel about conducting academic research? Please elaborate on your response. How might you contribute to the public conversation about your Commentary topic now that you have invested so much time writing and researching about it? Are there any public forums or conversations to which you might contribute your writing or ideas? Did you incorporate changes into your final essay based on your peers’ feedback? If so, please describe the types of changes you made and why you made them. If you did not incorporate changes, please explain why. Did reviewing the work of your classmates help you to understand other points of view? Please explain how or why. Did reviewing the work of your classmates provide you with additional writing strategies? Please explain how or why. Assignment Requirements Reply to each question above with at least one full paragraph, making your full postscript approximately 2 pages. Because this assignment asks you to reflect on personal experiences, you do not need to incorporate research or an APA title page. Postscripts should be written in first person. The post-script should be typed and submitted as a Microsoft Word 2010 document (.docx), with 12-point font and double spacing. Please note that Week 8 closes on Saturday at 11:59 pm MT. The Postscript assignment must be submitted by this date. Please be sure to review the rubric for this week’s assignment in Doc Sharing. See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information.
We began this class by thinking about the different intentions we have in conveying meaning through our written messages. You’ve been pushed throughout this session to use writing as a means of exploring the world around you and as a convoy for making new meaning and helping to frame your point of view. The hard work of drafting, researching, and revising is behind you. Now it’s time to reflect on all that you have learned and the ways in which you have grown as a writer. In a brief reflective postscript, please answer the following questions as they relate to your writing process throughout the Commentary essay: What new insights have you gained on your Commentary topic throughout the process of drafting, researching, and revising? Did your point of view change at all? If so, how or why? You began to conduct and incorporate academic research during the writing and planning of your Commentary essay. How well-prepared do you feel about conducting academic research? Please elaborate on your response. How might you contribute to the public conversation about your Commentary topic now that you have invested so much time writing and researching about it? Are there any public forums or conversations to which you might contribute your writing or ideas? Did you incorporate changes into your final essay based on your peers’ feedback? If so, please describe the types of changes you made and why you made them. If you did not incorporate changes, please explain why. Did reviewing the work of your classmates help you to understand other points of view? Please explain how or why. Did reviewing the work of your classmates provide you with additional writing strategies? Please explain how or why. Assignment Requirements Reply to each question above with at least one full paragraph, making your full postscript approximately 2 pages. Because this assignment asks you to reflect on personal experiences, you do not need to incorporate research or an APA title page. Postscripts should be written in first person. The post-script should be typed and submitted as a Microsoft Word 2010 document (.docx), with 12-point font and double spacing. Please note that Week 8 closes on Saturday at 11:59 pm MT. The Postscript assignment must be submitted by this date. Please be sure to review the rubric for this week’s assignment in Doc Sharing. See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information.
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