Saturday, 4 March 2017

DeVry Sec 571 All Week Discussions Latest 2017



Week 1
discussion DQ1 Vulnerabilities of Your Systems?
We're spending some time this week coming up with a common understanding of security terminology, and vulnerability is one of those fundamental terms. While the word weakness seems to define it pretty well, there are a number of ways that information systems can become vulnerable. Acts of commission or omission can be equally responsible for a system vulnerability. What about your systems, both at home and at work? In what ways are they vulnerable?
DQ2 Threats against Your Systems?
 It's a pretty rough world out there for data. While a large percentage of information technology security budgets is devoted to reducing the risk of malicious attacks, there are other ways in which systems or data become damaged. What threats are you aware of when it comes to your personal systems and the systems at your job?
Week 2
discussion DQ1 Security Issues in Telecommunications
What are the advantages and disadvantages of virtual offices, including telecommuting? What are the security and management issues concerning virtual offices, especially hooked up into large virtual networks? Please comment on the views of your fellow students here.
DQ2 What Access Controls Are in Use?
What are your organization's assets? Are there any access controls in place? How effective are they? How can you tell? What are the weaknesses in the controls? Are any new or upgraded access controls being considered? Let's explore this substantial component of information security.
Week 3
discussion DQ1 Cryptographic Products
As we are learning, there are a lot of uses for cryptography in information technology, and there are a lot of different algorithms, cryptographic processes, key lengths, implementation methods, and so on. Let's explore the world of cryptographic products. What's available out there? What kind of quality is found in free, open-source products? What types of hardware devices? What types of software implementations? How are they used? What problems do they solve? How effective are they? How can you tell? What are the tradeoffs between security and business process efficiency? Let's start with everyone presenting one cryptographic product (past, present, or future). No duplications, please, so be sure to read all the previous posts. Then, respond to the posts of your classmates with questions, additional information, and so forth.
DQ2 Cryptographic Standards
 Ever since World War II and the ensuing Cold War, cryptographic methods have been the source of much government angst. Protecting the information of one's own government and accessing the data of other governments has been a preoccupation of many nations. With the growth of civilian computer networks in the 1980s and the development of Internet-based e-commerce in the 1990s, concerns about data security spread from governments to the public sector. The tension between the government's goal of control of cryptographic methods and business' need for internationally trustworthy security resulted in skirmishes between the two. Let's discuss the modern history of cryptography in terms of commercial-governmental tensions. What can you find out about this? What are the considerations when determining how to standardize cryptographic methods? How are cryptographic methods regulated? What are the different laws that govern the use of cryptography? Are they reasonable? Whose interests are most important when determining the extent to which cryptography should be standardized, regulated, and mandated? Do a little research and see what you can come up with in one or more of these areas. And be sure to comment on the posts of your classmates.
Week 4
discussion DQ1 Network Services
Users are familiar with some network services such as HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol) - the Web; and SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) and POP (Post Office Protocol) - e-mail and instant messaging. But there are others like DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), DNS (Domain Name System), FTP (File Transport Protocol), NNTP (Network News Transport Protocol), Telnet, SSH (Secure Shell), SSL-TLS (Secure Sockets Layer-Transport Layer Security) and others that the average user may not have heard of. Tell us more about these services. How do they figure into organizational security? What are the most recent threats against them? What are the risks associated with attacks against network services? What are possible consequences? What are specific controls and general best practices to mitigate risk? Jump right in. Do a little research on some part of network service security and share with us your findings as well as your experiences and opinions. And, of course, please respond to your classmates' posts with ideas, questions, comments, other perspectives, and so forth.
DQ2 Security Architecture
 Before responding to this forum, be sure to read the section in this week's lecture on security architecture. Think about your organization's security architecture. How much do you know about it? How much do other workers know? How easy is it to learn more? Does your perception of the organization's security architecture seem appropriate for the mission and goals of the organization? How much management commitment to security do you sense? Briefly describe your organization, but please DON'T reveal any specific security details that would compromise your organization's security controls. Feel free to make up a name and even alter the products or services the organization offers to maintain its anonymity as needed. What we should discuss is the general nature of the business, your role, your view on the organization's security architecture, and what you think the ideal security architecture should be for your organization. As we get moving on this discussion, consider the ideas of your classmates. Would they be appropriate for your organization? Even if you don't have much connection with the security activities in your company, what do you THINK would be appropriate? As always, post early, post often, and address the posts of your classmates.
 Week 5
discussion DQ1 Case Study - Would You Hire Goli?
How would you respond if Goli (Case VIII, p. 707 in our text) came to you describing a vulnerability in your system and offering to help fix it? What would incline you to hire her? What would disincline you from doing so? Please explain your answer and also reply to the comments of others.
DQ2 Privacy: Right or Privilege?
Privacy seems to mean different things to different people. What does privacy mean to you? Is privacy a right or a privilege? How should one's privacy be legally protected or secured, especially when using the Internet? Maybe this is not absolutely possible; protection may always be viewed as a relative term. Why or why not? Please comment on the responses of other students.
Week 6
discussion DQ1 BC and DR
Business Continuity (BC) planning and Disaster Recovery (DR) planning are key elements in organizational security architectures. What is the difference between them and why is it important to know the difference when representing security proposals to management?
DQ2 Meeting Regulations
With what federal, state, and/or organizational regulations regarding information systems and data management must your organization comply? How can you identify these regulations? How can you remain informed about changes in these requirements? How can your organization or industry influence these regulations?
Week 7
discussion DQ1 Personal/Group Ethics
What is ethics? Is it a cultural standard or an individual standard? Do managers have a responsibility to maintain an ethical standard within a department? If so, how is the expected ethical standard established? How is it documented? How is compliance measured? What happens when an individual's ethical standard conflicts with the group standard? How should members of the group react? How should the individual react?
DQ2 Security Skills
What skills are needed by personnel working in information security? List some job titles in the field and come up with some required qualifications and some desirable qualifications. Take a look at some job listings and resumes for ideas. After all, you may be applying for one of these jobs soon!


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