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Chapter 18: Relativity and Black Holes
Learning Objectives.
Define the bold-faced vocabulary terms within the chapter.
18.1 Relative Motion Affects Measured Velocities
Illustrate why relative motion causes two people to report different observations of the same physical situation.
Multiple Choice: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7
Differentiate between the relative motion of a material object and light as seen by two different observers.
Multiple Choice: 3, 6, 8
Short Answer: 1, 2
18.2 Special Relativity Explains How Time and Space Are Related
Explain how traveling at relativistic speeds affects measurements of time, length, speed, and energy.
Multiple Choice: 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
Short Answer: 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12
Describe observational tests of special relativity.
Multiple Choice: 22, 26
Short Answer: 6, 11
Illustrate why relativistic space travel is highly improbable.
Multiple Choice: 17, 18
Short Answer: 3, 8
18.3 Gravity Is a Distortion of Spacetime
Explain why “free fall is the same as free float.”
Multiple Choice: 45
Short Answer: 22
Illustrate how motion along a curved surface mimics motion in a gravitational field.
Multiple Choice: 36, 42, 44
Short Answer: 16, 23
Illustrate how gravity is really motion of particles through spacetime that has been curved by mass.
Multiple Choice: 35, 37, 47
Short Answer: 17, 19, 21
Describe observable consequences of general relativity.
Multiple Choice: 38, 39, 40, 43, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53
Short Answer: 15, 20
Describe observational tests of general relativity.
Short Answer: 18
Compare and contrast the accuracy of Newtonian vs. relativistic physics.
Multiple Choice: 34, 41
Short Answer: 14
18.4 Black Holes
Explain the significance of the Schwarzschild radius (or event horizon) of a black hole.
Multiple Choice: 54, 55, 60, 67
Short Answer: 25, 29, 30
Calculate the Schwarzschild radius of a black hole.
Multiple Choice: 56, 58, 59, 62, 66, 68, 69, 70
Assess whether an object is or is not likely to evolve into a black hole.
Short Answer: 27
Describe why a black hole cannot be observed directly but how it can be detected indirectly.
Multiple Choice: 57, 61, 63, 65
Short Answer: 24, 26
Summarize the observational evidence that black holes exist.
Multiple Choice: 64
Short Answer: 28
Working It Out 18.1
Calculate the relativistic effect of time dilation when moving at high speeds.
Multiple Choice: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Working It Out 18.2
Calculate the masses of two stars in a binary system.
Short Answer: 13

1.      What is the meaning of the phrase inertial frame of reference?
a.       a reference frame that is not accelerating
b.      a reference frame that is stationary with respect to the Earth
c.       a reference frame that is in motion at constant speed
d.      a reference frame that is accelerating at a constant rate
e.       a reference frame in which there are strong gravitational forces
2.      What will observers in different inertial frames of reference always agree on?
a.       how the speed of light varies with the motion of an observer
b.      the length of the meter, but not the duration of the second
c.       the rate each frame is accelerating
d.      the laws of physics
e.       whether events are simultaneous or not
3.      Suppose that an object is moving and it is emitting light toward you, in vacuum. What would you notice about the light you observe?
a.       The wavelength gets longer.
b.      The frequency gets lower.
c.       The energy becomes lower.
d.      The speed stays constant.
e.       The speed is increasing.
4.      You are driving on an interstate at 70 mi/h and, in the adjacent lane in the same direction, another car is passing you. From your point of view, the other car seems to advance at 10 mi/h, i.e., it is only slowly moving ahead of you. What is the speed that the odometer should indicate inside the other car?
a.       70 mi/h
b.      10 mi/h
c.       80 mi/h
d.      60 mi/h
e.       75 mi/h
5.      You are driving on an interstate at 70 mph and in the adjacent lane, but in the opposite direction, another car is zipping by. From your point of view, the other car seems to pass at 150 mph, which would seem crazy. What is the speed that the odometer should indicate inside the other car?
a.       80 mph
b.      55 mpg
c.       220 mph
d.      110 mph
e.       150 mph
6.      You observe a distant galaxy apparently moving away at one third the speed of light . If you could measure the speed at which this galaxy’s light is passing the Earth, you would get
b.      2
c.       c.
d.      4
e.       5
7.      Stellar aberration should be distinguished from stellar parallax in that
a.       stellar aberration immediately allows for measurements of distances to stars.
b.      stellar parallax is easily observable, whereas the aberration is impossible to measure.
c.       stellar aberration depends on the Earth’s orbital speed around the Sun.
d.      stellar parallax depends on the Earth’s orbital speed around the Sun.
e.       stellar aberration demonstrates that the speed of light is infinite.
8.      Superluminal motions were detected in jets of plasma launched by actively accreting compact objects. This shows that
a.       special relativity has a limited range of applications.
b.      observed superluminal motions can be explained without violating the theory of relativity.
c.       black holes can actually launch material jets that advance faster than light.
d.      general relativity allows for faster-than-light motions, even though special relativity does not.
e.       the jets are aligned with our line of sight, therefore we understand that their light is coming at us faster than c speed.
9.      What is the Lorentz factor for an object moving at 0.85c?
a.       1.00
b.      1.67
c.       1.89
d.      0.99
e.       2.05
10.      At what fraction of the speed of light would the γ factor lead to a 10-fold time dilation?
a.       0.5
b.      0.95
c.       0.75
d.      0.995
e.       0.9999995
11.      If the Lorentz factor is 2, what is the corresponding speed?
a.       0.86c
b.      1.55c
c.       0.27c
d.      0.52c
e.       0.9999c

12.      The second marked by a clock aboard a fast (hypothetical) interstellar ship moving at v = 0.95c would be __________________ compared with the second marked by a clock at rest on Earth.
a.       70.71 times shorter
b.      70.71 times longer
c.       7.09 times shorter
d.      3.20 times longer
e.       3.20 times shorter
13.      A fast-moving muon decays in 2 × 104 seconds, as measured by an observer at rest. In the reference frame of the muon itself, its lifetime is in fact only 2 × 106 seconds. What is the muon's speed?
a.       0.05c
b.      0.50c
c.       0.95c
d.      0.995c
e.       0.99995c
14.      One consequence of Einstein’s ideas about the speed of light is that
a.       if two events take place at the same time for one observer, they will occur simultaneously for all observers.
b.      whether events are seen as simultaneous or not depends on the motions of observers.
c.       two events cannot happen at the same time for two different observers.
d.      it is not possible to know when an event happens.
e.       people could design and fly interstellar spaceships moving as fast as light itself.
15.      What is the meaning of the word spacetime?
a.       It is a mental framework for keeping track of numbers in Newtonian physics.
b.      Space and time form a two-dimensional region where physics takes place.
c.       The term has no special meaning; it’s just a fancy way to sound important when talking about physics.
d.      It is the combined treatment of space and time in the theory of relativity.
e.       It is the idea that observers will always measure the same locations and times of events.
16.      According to Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity, which two quantities are different manifestations of the same thing?
a.       mass and gravity
b.      light and energy
c.       energy and mass
d.      temperature and energy
e.       distance and time
17.      According to Special Relativity, spacecraft that would travel faster than the speed of light are
a.       impossible, because nothing can travel that fast.
b.      possible, but not useful since they could not contain living beings.
c.       impossible, since objects that travel that fast would get shorter and squeeze out space for the astronauts to live.
d.      possible, if we are clever enough with new technologies.
e.       impossible, because they would require new energy sources that are not yet invented.
18.      Why can an object with a nonzero mass never travel as fast as the speed of light?
a.       It would take an infinite amount of energy to accelerate it to a speed of c.
b.      It would emit so much radiation that its energy would decrease and it would slow down again.
c.       It would lose all its mass and turn into neutrinos.
d.      An object can actually travel as fast as light, but if it did it would disappear.
e.       If it were going at the speed of light, it would be converted to pure energy since E = mc2.
19.      In an accelerator, a massive particle may gain a relativistic speed for which its total energy is 1,000 time greater than its rest energy. This implies a Lorentz factor of
a.       0.999.
b.      10.
c.       1.
d.      1000.
e.       2.29.
20.      At what (relativistic) speed does the length of a spacecraft become half of its rest length?
a.       0.40c
b.      0.27c
c.       0.99c
d.      0.87c
e.       0.10c
21.      What is true about muons?
a.       They are always moving at high speed, so they test relativity.
b.      Relativity explains why we can see muons that are produced high in the atmosphere from cosmic rays.
c.       We can see them being deflected from straight lines by the gravity of black holes.
d.      They have a mass that does not increase if they are moving fast.
e.       They are examples of Hawking radiation from black holes.
22.      Has relatively ever been tested?
a.       No, because it would require us to set up physics experiments in faraway galaxies.
b.      Yes, because even ordinary motion in automobiles and airplanes produces easily noticeable effects predicted by relativity.
c.       No, because no one has been able to think of experiments that are able to measure the small differences between the predictions of Newtonian physics and relativity.
d.      Yes, because (for example) subatomic particles can be accelerated to speeds approaching that of light.
e.       No, because the theory of relativity contains paradoxes and contradictions, like the twin paradox.
23.      Which of the following is a consequence of Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity?
a.       Moving clocks run quicker.
b.      The velocity of light depends on the speed of the observer.
c.       Distances are shorter for objects traveling close to the speed of light.
d.      Gravity arises because mass distorts spacetime.
e.       Faster moving objects require less force to accelerate them.
24.      The twin paradox shows that special relativity
a.       explains many things but can’t explain everything.
b.      is accurate but contains some worrisome contradictions.
c.       is incorrect.
d.      is incomplete.
e.       correctly accounts for the results of experiments in different reference frames.
25.      Which of the following statements is not valid?
a.       If the speed of light is finite, time must run differently for different observers.
b.      The results of physics experiments are indistinguishable in inertial frames and freely falling frames.
c.       The high positional accuracy provided by the GPS system is possible if relativistic corrections are applied.
d.      Time is contracted and distances dilated in moving frames.
e.       If the speed of light is finite, telescopes could be seen as “time machines.”

26.      The Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland can accelerate protons to amazing kinetic energies of the order of 1.6 × 107J. What would be the Lorentz factor for a proton of mass 1.67 × 1027 kg at such speed?
a.       133
b.      1065
c.       70.79
d.      2
e.       999
27.      For a fast (hypothetical) interstellar ship moving at v = 0.95c a distance of 10 ly between neighboring stars would actually measure
a.       32 ly.
b.      10.5 ly.
c.       3.1 ly.
d.      9.5 ly.
e.       10 ly.
28.      In Special Relativity the total energy of a fast moving object (kinetic plus rest energy) is given by E = γmc2, where m is the rest mass of the object. At what (relativistic) speed would the kinetic energy of a 100-ton spaceship be the same as its rest energy?
a.       1c
b.      0.999c
c.       0.5c
d.      0.25c
e.       0.87c
29.      Of all four muons produced at 15 km above ground and schematically shown in the figure below, which one would “see” the distance to the ground as a mere 200 m?
a.       the muon moving at 0.9c
b.      the muon moving at 0.99c
c.       the muon moving at 0.999c
d.      the muon moving at 0.9999c
e.       the muons would not experience any relativistic effect because they are too tiny.
30.      Assume that a group of explorers traveled to the Orion Nebula, which is the nearest star-forming cloud and is at a distance of 1,300 light-years, using revolutionary technology that allowed them to travel at a speed of 0.99c. Observers back on Earth using Earth-bound clocks would say it took the explorers __________ to get there, but the explorers with their moving clocks would say it took them only __________ to get there.
a.       1,310 years; 185 years
b.      1,440 years; 630 years
c.       1,310 years; 390 years
d.      1,440 years; 425 years
e.       1,310 years; 1,300 years
31.      If you were to design a spacecraft that could travel to the galactic center fast enough that the astronauts aboard aged by only 25 years during the trip, how fast would the spacecraft have to go? (Note: The galactic center is 25,000 light years away.)
a.       0.95c
b.      0.995c
c.       0.99995c
d.      0.9999995c
e.       0.999999995c

32.      Suppose you detect a pulsar that gives us 1,000 radio pulses per second, but the pulsar is in a distant galaxy that is apparently moving away from us at 50 percent of the speed of light. An observer at rest with respect to the pulsar in that faraway galaxy would measure a pulse rate of
a.       870 per second.
b.      1,150 per second.
c.       1,250 per second.
d.      1,366 per second.
e.       1,450 per second.
33.      The satellites from the GPS network are in high orbits and their clocks fall behind ground-based clocks by about 7 µs/day. Assuming that this dilation is entirely a special relativistic effect, which is the best estimate for the orbital speed of a GPS satellite?
a.       27,500 km/h
b.      14,000 km/h
c.       1,000 km/h
d.      67,000 km/h
e.       38,500 km/h
34.      When do the predictions of Special Relativity match those of Newtonian physics?
a.       in terrestrial laboratories
b.      inside our Solar System
c.       when different observers are at rest with each other
d.      when objects have a low mass
e.       when objects are moving slowly
35.      __________ is the result of mass distorting the fabric of spacetime.
a.       Energy
b.      Radiation
c.       Fusion
d.      Gravity
e.       Electric charge
36.      What does gravity mean in relativity?
a.       It is a result of mass and energy being two forms of the same thing.
b.      It is a consequence of distances getting shorter as objects move faster.
c.       It is the result of the mass of falling bodies getting bigger because they are in motion.
d.      It is the force that objects with mass exert on a body.
e.       It is the result of the distortion in spacetime around an object with any energy density.
37.      A geodesic is the name for the
a.       aberration of starlight.
b.      gravitational field of the Earth.
c.       solid crust of a terrestrial planet.
d.      path followed by a freely falling object in spacetime.
e.       shape of a body that has mass.
38.      Gravitational lensing occurs when _____________ distorts the fabric of spacetime.
a.       a star
b.      dark matter
c.       a black hole
d.      any massive object
e.       a white dwarf
39.      The bending of light paths near a massive object is the essence of
a.       time dilation.
b.      the twin paradox.
c.       gravitational lensing.
d.      length contraction.
e.       mass increase.

40.      General relativity predicts that coalescing (merging) massive objects would trigger
a.       pulses of electromagnetic radiation.
b.      gravitational waves.
c.       high-energy particles.
d.      a slowing of clocks here on the Earth.
e.       blueshifted light from the surface of the object.
41.      How does relativity compare with Newtonian physics?
a.       Relativity gives the same result as Newtonian physics when objects are moving slowly.
b.      Relativity gives results that contradict many predictions of Newtonian physics, so we know the latter is incorrect.
c.       Relativity must be better, because it is a newer theory than Newtonian physics.
d.      Newtonian physics and relativity make the same predictions, but it’s easier to compute results using relativity.
e.       Newtonian physics is well accepted by scientists, whereas relativity is still controversial.
42.      You measure that an object has a mass of exactly 1 kg. The Equivalence Principle says that the mass you would measure by trying to accelerate it would be
a.       1 kg.
b.      greater than 1 kg.
c.       less than 1 kg.
d.      different from 1kg, depending on what it’s made of.
e.       larger than 1 kg, because of the Sun’s gravity.
43.      Photons have no mass, and Einstein’s theory of general relativity says
a.       their paths through spacetime are curved in the presence of a massive body.
b.      their apparent speeds depend on the observer’s frame of reference.
c.       they should not be attracted to a massive object.
d.      their wavelengths must remain the same as they travel through spacetime.
e.       their wavelengths would grow longer as they travel through empty space.
44.      The Equivalence Principle says that
a.       the universe is homogeneous and isotropic.
b.      being stationary in a gravitational field is the same as being in an accelerated reference frame.
c.       at any radius inside a star the outward gas pressure must balance the weight of the material on top.
d.      mass and energy are interchangeable and neither can be destroyed.
e.       gravity does not exist in space.
45.      Why do astronauts in space feel no gravity?
a.       There is no gravity out in space.
b.      Gravity happens only when objects are accelerating.
c.       In space, the gravity from the Moon and the Sun cancels out the Earth’s gravity.
d.      They and their spaceship are both freely falling at the same rate in the gravitational field.
e.       The astronauts do not have any mass when they are out in space.
46.      The Principle of Equivalence states that the gravitational mass is equal to the
a.       mass when moving nearly the speed of light.
b.      resistance to acceleration.
c.       mass when near a black hole.
d.      weight of the object.
e.       density divided by the volume.

47.      In the rubber-sheet analogy for spacetime, what would you expect for objects (such as golf balls) rolling around in the presence of a massive object that is stretching the rubber sheet?
a.       Their paths will be straight if they are moving slowly enough.
b.      Their paths will curve more the closer they come to the massive object.
c.       Their paths will curve by the same amount no matter how close they come to the mass.
d.      Their paths will curve toward the mass if they pass close but bend away from the mass if they pass far from the mass.
e.       Their paths will curve less the closer they come to the massive object.
48.      The gravitational redshift of light should be smallest for light emitted from the surface of
a.       a black hole.
b.      the Sun.
c.       a white dwarf.
d.      a planet like the Earth.
e.       a neutron star.
49.      According to the theory of relativity, a clock on top of Mount Everest would run ___________ compared with a clock at sea level because ______________ .
a.       faster; of the high altitude, which means a slightly weaker gravity
b.      faster; the air is a lot thinner and there is less friction within the clock
c.       faster; it is closer to the Moon and thus experiences stronger tide forces
d.      slower; of the low pressure at that altitude
e.       identically; time is the same for all clocks in the universe
50.      The Sun’s mass would affect the spacetime in its proximal space and photons from distant stars would follow curved geodesics rather than straight paths when passing close to our star, as in the figure shown below. According to general relativity, an observer on Earth would also expect the “apparent stars” to appear
a.       redder.
b.      hotter.
c.       more distant.
d.      bluer.
e.       more massive.
51.      Which of the following applications (which affects many people) could not have been achieved without implementing necessary relativistic effects and corrections?
a.       fast-moving automobiles
b.      GPS technology
c.       interstellar travel
d.      radar technology
e.       neutrino detectors
52.      Compared with a clock on the surface of the Earth, a clock on the International Space Station runs
a.       at approximately the same rate, but slightly slower.
b.      significantly slower.
c.       significantly faster.
d.      sometimes faster and sometimes slower.
e.       at an equal rate, except during eclipses.
53.      Light is increasingly redshifted near a black hole because
a.       the photons are moving away from us very quickly as they are sucked into the black hole.
b.      the photons are moving increasingly faster in order to escape the pull of the black hole.
c.       the photons lose energy because climbing out of the black hole’s gravity makes them weaker.
d.      the curvature of spacetime is increasingly stretched near the black hole, which in turn stretches the wavelengths of the photons.
e.       time is moving increasingly slower as viewed from the observer’s frame of reference.
54.      The event horizon of a black hole is defined as
a.       the point of maximum gravity.
b.      the radius of the original neutron star before it became a black hole.
c.       the radius from which shock waves course through spacetime due to the strong gravitational distortion of the black hole.
d.      the radius at which the escape speed from the black hole equals the speed of light.
e.       the radius at which the gravitational force is the same as that on the surface of the Sun.
55.      What is the significance of the Schwarzschild radius around a black hole?
a.       It is the radius at which an orbiting object would show a precession.
b.      It is the radius at which gravitational redshift can be detected.
c.       It is the radius at which the black hole’s spin equals the speed of light.
d.      It is the radius at which the escape velocity equals the speed of light.
e.       It is the radius at which a body falling onto the black hole would move at half the speed of light.
56.      The Schwarzschild radius of a 10 M is __________ the size of the Schwarzschild radius of a 5 M black hole.
c.       equal to
d.      2 times
e.       5 times
57.      Hawking radiation from black holes refers to
a.       light emitted from matter falling onto a black hole.
b.      the gravitational redshift of light emitted near the event horizon.
c.       the radiation of particles created near the event horizon.
d.      high-energy X-rays and gamma rays from the formation of a black hole.
e.       the optical and infrared light from an energetic supernova explosion.
58.      If the Sun suddenly turned into a black hole, what would be the radius of its event horizon?
a.       3 m
b.      30 m
c.       300 m
d.      3 km
e.       30 km
59.      If the Earth were to shrink in size until it became a black hole, its Schwarzschild radius would be
a.       1 cm.
b.      1 m.
c.       1 km.
d.      10 km.
e.       200 km.
60.      A person would experience __________ as he or she approached the event horizon of a black hole.
a.       extremely strong tidal forces
b.      intense heating
c.       strong Hawking radiation
d.      strong infrared radiation
e.       nothing

61.      Hawking radiation is emitted by a black hole when
a.       the black hole rotates quickly.
b.      the black hole accretes material.
c.       a supernova explodes and forms a black hole out of its core.
d.      synchrotron radiation is emitted by infalling charged particles.
e.       a virtual pair of particles is created near the event horizon.
62.      If the Sun were to be instantly replaced by a 1 M black hole, the gravitational pull of the black hole on Earth would be
a.       much greater than it is now.
b.      the same as it is now.
c.       much smaller than it is now.
d.      larger or smaller, depending on the location of the Moon.
e.       irrelevant, because Earth would quickly fall into the Sun and be destroyed.
63.      Even if a black hole emitted no light, we can still detect it
a.       from sound waves produced by material falling onto the black hole.
b.      by tides produced on the Earth’s oceans.
c.       through its Hawking radiation.
d.      through its gravitational effect on surrounding gas or stars.
e.       by looking for dark patches on the sky where the black hole swallows background light.
64.      A red giant star is found to be orbiting an unseen object with a short orbital period. By measuring the speed at which it orbits, astronomers deduce that the unseen object has a mass of 10 M. This object is probably a ______________ because ________________.
a.       black hole; the giant star is massive and could be in orbit only about something even more massive
b.      black hole; its mass is too large to be a neutron star or a white dwarf
c.       neutron star; any supernova that would have made a black hole would have destroyed the red giant
d.      M-dwarf star; only such stars would be faint enough to go unseen in this system
e.       black hole; most red giants orbit neutron stars, and neutron stars can turn into black holes
65.      Black holes that are stellar remnants can be found by searching for
a.       dark regions at the centers of galaxies.
b.      variable X-ray sources.
c.       extremely luminous infrared objects.
d.      objects that emit very faint radio emission.
e.       regular, repeated pulsations at radio wavelengths.
66.      What black-hole mass would have an event horizon radius comparable to the size of an atomic nucleus?
a.       100 kg
b.      1011 kg
c.       100 tons
d.      1024 kg
e.       0.1 kg
67.      Which of the following are the only possible properties of black holes?
a.       mass, angular momentum, and electrical charge
b.      mass, electrical charge, and fraction of heavy nuclei
c.       electrical charge, density, and dark matter content
d.      angular momentum, mass, and elasticity
e.       mass, density of dark matter, and temperature of Hawking radiation

68.      While traveling through the galaxy in a spacecraft, you and a colleague set out to investigate the 106 M black hole at the center of our galaxy. He hops aboard an escape pod and drops into a circular orbit around the black hole, maintaining a distance of 10,000 km, while you remain much farther away in the spacecraft. After doing some experiments to measure the strength of gravity, your colleague signals his results back to you by using a green laser. What would you see? Hint: You will need to calculate the location of the event horizon.
a.       You would see your colleague’s signals unaltered in wavelength, because he is orbiting well outside the event horizon of the black hole.
b.      You would see your colleague’s signals shifted to a much redder wavelength, because he is close to the event horizon.
c.       You would never get to see the escape pod carrying your colleague reaching the desired orbit; thus, you’d never get any signals back from him.
d.      You would see nothing, because no light can escape the gravitational pull of a black hole no matter how far your colleague is from it.
e.       You would see your colleague’s signals shifted to a much bluer wavelength, because black holes can make highly energetic light.
69.      While traveling through the galaxy in a spacecraft, you and a colleague set out to investigate the 106 M black hole at the center of our galaxy. She hops aboard an escape pod and drops into a circular orbit around the black hole, maintaining a distance of 1 AU, while you remain much farther away in the spacecraft. After doing some experiments to measure the strength of gravity, your colleague signals her results back to you by using a green laser. What would you see? Hint: You will need to calculate the location of the event horizon.
a.       Your colleague’s signals are shifted only slightly toward the red, because she is orbiting well outside the event horizon of the black hole.
b.      You would see your colleague’s signals shifted to a much redder wavelength, because she is close to the event horizon.
c.       You would see nothing, because your colleague has crossed the event horizon around the black hole.
d.      You would see nothing, because no light can escape the gravitational pull of a black hole no matter how far your colleague is from it.
e.       You would see your colleague’s signals shifted to a much bluer wavelength, because black holes can make highly energetic light.
70.      While traveling through the galaxy in a spacecraft, you and a colleague set out to investigate the 106 M black hole at the center of our galaxy. She hops aboard an escape pod and drops into a circular orbit around the black hole, maintaining a distance of 4 × 106 km, while you remain much farther away in the spacecraft. After doing some experiments to measure the strength of gravity, your colleague signals her results back to you by using a green laser. What would you see? Hint: You will need to calculate the location of the event horizon.
a.       You would see your colleague’s signals unaltered in wavelength, because she is orbiting well outside the event horizon of the black hole.
b.      You would see your colleague’s signals shifted to a much redder wavelength, because she is close to the event horizon.
c.       You would see nothing, because your colleague has crossed the event horizon around the black hole.
d.      You would see nothing, because no light can escape the gravitational pull of a black hole no matter how far your colleague is from it.
e.       You would see your colleague’s signals shifted to a much bluer wavelength, because black holes can make highly energetic light.

1.      Explain, in the context of the special relativity, how a telescope is a kind of “time machine.”
2.      Let’s assume we know that the semi-major axis of the “loop” described by a star’s position due to stellar aberration is equal to the orbital speed of the Earth (expressed in units of light speed c in vacuum). What would be the corresponding angular opening of the cone in the figure below?
3.      Give a simple explanation to why the speed cannot increase as suggested by the Newtonian behavior shown as a straight line in the figure below.
4.      What is the central idea in relativity concerning the speed of light? Describe at least two unusual consequences of this idea.
5.      Explain what four-dimensional spacetime means.
6.      What is the meaning of the equation E = mc2?
7.      Explain why no object that has mass can ever move at a speed equal to the speed of light. At what velocity do massless particles (e.g., photons) travel in vacuum?
8.      Use the figure shown below to explain that the implied acceleration has indeed a value close to the accepted value for the acceleration of Earth’s gravity.
9.      Suppose we discovered radio signals coming from the star Alpha Centauri, which is 4.4 light-years from us, and we sent a crew in a spacecraft to visit it. If the spacecraft used revolutionary technology allowing it to travel at a speed of 0.5c, how long would it take the spacecraft to get to Alpha Centauri, and how much time would the astronauts say passed during the trip? (Ignore the time it would take to accelerate the spacecraft to reach a velocity of 0.5c.)
10.      Explain the relativistic effects on clocks aboard the International Space Station compared with synchronized clocks here on Earth.
11.      Muons are elementary particles that decay into other particles in about 2.2 microseconds. They are formed in the upper atmosphere of the Earth from high-energy cosmic rays and can be detected on the ground even though they could travel only a few hundred meters before decaying, according to Newtonian physics. How does relativity explain that we can detect them on the ground? Explain both in our reference frame and in the frame of the muon.
12.      The GPS system requires time accuracy of the order of a few tens of nanoseconds (ns) for the clocks aboard the satellites. At the high altitudes where the satellites are deployed, their orbital speeds are about 20,000 km/h. Based on arguments Special Relativity alone show that time dilation corrections are absolutely relevant and necessary in order to maintain the aforementioned accuracy level.
13.      A 15-M star has been monitored for decades and scientists found that it is orbiting in a highly eccentric ellipse about an unseen mass (presumably a supermassive black hole [BH]) at the center of Milky Way with a period of 15.6 years and a semimajor axis of about 1000 A.U. What is the mass of the unseen object?
14.      Explain how Newtonian physics is an approximation to relativity.

15.      What are gravitational waves? Have they been detected?
16.      How would the Newtonian theory explain the orbit of the Earth around the Sun? What would the explanation be in general relativity?
17.      What is the “rubber sheet” analogy for spacetime, and why is it useful for explaining gravity and gravitational waves?
18.      Describe two early classical tests of the general relativity.
19.      Explain why Einstein’s theory of general relativity predicts the existence of gravitational lensing.
20.      How might we be able to detect events like colliding neutron stars even if we don’t detect any light from them?
21.      Explain how mass and compactness would play into affecting the way an object distorts the fabric of spacetime.
22.      What is the Equivalence Principle? Describe a consequence of the equivalence principle for astronauts orbiting in the space station.
23.      Galileo supposedly experimented with gravity by dropping two objects of different masses from the Leaning Tower of Pisa at the same instant and observing that they hit the ground at the same time. If Albert Einstein had done the experiment, how would his conclusion have differed from Galileo’s?
24.      What does singularity mean in the context of black holes?
25.      What is the difference between the singularity and the event horizon of a black hole?
26.      Explain why Hawking radiation may not be a practical way to observe black holes.
27.      Describe two possible ways to make a stellar-size black hole.
28.      You repeatedly measure the radial velocity of what seems to be a single main-sequence star like the Sun but find that it in fact is in a tight orbit around another object that remains unseen. From measurement of the velocity and orbital period, you calculate that the unseen object has a mass 20 times that of the Sun-like star. Why might this object be a black hole?
29.      Roughly estimate the magnitude of the tidal acceleration between the feet and the head of an astronaut when he is approaching a 1 M black hole (BH) and is 100 km from it, as in the figure shown below. Compare that acceleration with the standard acceleration of gravity here on Earth. Would “spaghettification” be a good way to describe the effect on the human being?
30.      Based the line of reasoning you (hopefully) outlined in the previous problem, would it be more likely for an astronaut to be subject of “spaghettification” when 100 km away from the event horizon of a supermassive BH of 100 million solar masses or when 100 km away from the event horizon of a 1 solar mass BH?

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Chapter 19: Galaxies
Learning Objectives.
Define the bold-faced vocabulary terms within the chapter.
19.1 Galaxies Come in Different Shapes and Sizes
Evaluate how well Shapley and Curtis’s arguments about, and Hubble’s measurements of, the nature of galaxies conform to the established process of science laid out in this text.
Multiple Choice: 1, 2, 4, 11, 14, 16
Short Answer: 5, 6
Illustrate the essential morphological (shape) characteristics of the Hubble types of galaxies.
Multiple Choice: 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 28
Short Answer: 3, 4
Show how stellar orbits determine the morphology of a galaxy or its components.
Multiple Choice: 15
Short Answer: 1
Compare and contrast spiral and elliptical galaxies in terms of their gas and dust content, color, luminosity, stellar populations, and mass.
Multiple Choice: 9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 18
Short Answer: 2
19.2 Astronomers Use Several Methods to Find Distances to Galaxies
Illustrate why measurements to increasingly distant objects require overlapping scales, each building on the previous “rung” of a “distance ladder.”
Multiple Choice: 26
Short Answer: 8
Explain what is meant by “standard candle.”
Multiple Choice: 19, 22, 23
Compare and contrast the observations needed to use the various distance indicators in this chapter, including Cepheids, Type Ia supernovae, and Hubble’s law.
Multiple Choice: 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 29
Short Answer: 9, 10, 11
19.3 Galaxies Are Mostly Dark Matter
Explain how the amount of matter inferred from electromagnetic radiation can differ from that inferred from gravity.
Multiple Choice: 43
Short Answer: 17, 18
Illustrate how flat rotation curves imply the need for dark matter.
Multiple Choice: 42, 52
Short Answer: 16, 19
Summarize the observational evidence for dark matter in spiral and elliptical galaxies.
Multiple Choice: 44, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53
Short Answer: 15
Compare and contrast the behavior of normal and dark matter.
Multiple Choice: 45
Summarize the candidates for dark matter, and the observational evidence supporting or refuting each candidate.
Multiple Choice: 46, 47
Short Answer: 14
19.4 Most Galaxies Have a Supermassive Black Hole at the Center
Explain why astronomers initially believed quasars were stars.
Multiple Choice: 59, 61, 68
Illustrate how the period of variability of an object places limits on its physical size.
Multiple Choice: 63, 67, 69
Short Answer: 26, 30
Summarize the observational evidence for galaxies containing supermassive black holes at their centers, since black holes emit no observable radiation of their own.
Multiple Choice: 70
Explain how an AGN differs from the nucleus of an ordinary galaxy.
Multiple Choice: 57, 60, 62, 64, 66
Short Answer: 22, 23, 25, 28, 29
Illustrate the unified model of AGN and how different perspectives can lead to classification of the central engine as a different type of AGN.
Multiple Choice: 58, 65
Short Answer: 21, 24, 27
Working It Out 19.1
Use the relationship between distance, luminosity, and brightness to calculate the distance to a standard candle.
Short Answer: 7
Working It Out 19.2
Use Doppler shifts and the Hubble redshift-distance law to relate recessional velocity, redshift, and distance.
Multiple Choice: 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41
Short Answer: 12, 13
Working It Out 19.3
Calculate the size, density, and accretion rate of a supermassive black hole.
Multiple Choice: 54, 55, 56
Short Answer: 20
1.      What caused early astronomers to believe that our galaxy is only about 6,000 light-years across?
a.       Telescopes were not powerful enough to observe stars farther away.
b.      Interstellar dust blocked visible light from stars farther away.
c.       Stars farther away could not be resolved as individual objects.
d.      Astronomers miscalculated the distances to stars, believing that the stars were 50 times closer than they actually were.
e.       Astronomers assumed all red stars were faint main- sequence stars, and they confused more luminous red giants with them.
2.      In the Great Debate of 1920, Curtis and Shapley argued over whether or not
a.       the Big Bang occurred.
b.      the age of the universe was 14 billion years.
c.       the universe was contracting.
d.      life existed outside Earth.
e.       the spiral nebulae were located outside the Milky Way.

3.      Which of the following Hubble images shows an edge-on disk galaxy?

4.      Astronomers have known that galaxies are separate entities outside of our own for roughly the last
a.       35 years.
b.      60 years.
c.       90 years.
d.      150 years.
e.       210 years.
5.      The Hubble classification scheme for galaxies sorts them by their
a.       evolutionary state.
b.      mass.
c.       amount of dust.
d.      amount of dark matter.
e.       visual appearance.
6.      What type of galaxy is shown in the figure below?
a.       a giant elliptical
b.      an ordinary spiral galaxy
c.       an irregular galaxy
d.      a barred spiral
e.       a dwarf elliptical
7.      What type of galaxy is shown in the figure below?
a.       a giant elliptical
b.      a regular spiral galaxy
c.       an irregular galaxy
d.      a barred spiral
e.       a dwarf elliptical
8.      In spiral galaxies, the size of the central bulge is correlated with the
a.       tightness of the spiral arms.
b.      luminosity of the galaxy.
c.       age of the galaxy.
d.      thickness of the disk.
e.       presence of an active nucleus.
9.      Active star formation does not typically occur in elliptical galaxies because they
a.       rotate too fast.
b.      contain little molecular hydrogen.
c.       are too massive.
d.      are too far away.
e.       usually contain active nuclei.
10.      Elliptical galaxies appear red because they
a.       are moving away from us.
b.      contain mostly ionized hydrogen gas.
c.       contain mostly old stars.
d.      contain lots of dust.
e.       contain a mix of old and young stars.
11.      One of the first philosophical speculations about the nature of spiral nebulae being “island universes” like our Milky Way, only much farther, came from
a.       Charles Messier.
b.      Immanuel Kant.
c.       Edwin Hubble.
d.      Harlow Shapley.
e.       Heber Curtis.

12.      The dark features in the HST image in in the figure shown below indicate
a.       collections of cool stars.
b.      clumps of dark matter.
c.       copious amounts of dark energy.
d.      large amounts of dust.
e.       faulty pixels on the CCD camera.
13.      The receding speed of spiral galaxies may also render their colors __________ due to __________________.
a.       bluer; relativistic beaming
b.      bluer; Doppler effect
c.       redder; relativistic beaming
d.      redder; Doppler effect
e.       redder; galactic interactions
14.      What did Edwin Hubble study in the Andromeda Galaxy that proved it was an individual galaxy and not part of our own Milky Way?
a.       Cepheid stars
b.      Type Ia supernovae
c.       globular clusters
d.      red giant stars
e.       RR Lyrae variables
15.      Stars in the disks of spiral galaxies have orbits that are
a.       randomly oriented.
b.      constantly getting larger.
c.       mostly aligned in the same plane.
d.      spiral-shaped.
e.       unaffected by dark matter.
16.      The nearest big galaxy, Andromeda, is at an estimated distance of
a.       780 Mpc.
b.      0.78 kpc.
c.       0.78 Mpc.
d.      2.5 × 106 kpc.
e.       250 × 103 Mpc.
17.      The disks of spiral galaxies appear blue because
a.       they are moving toward us.
b.      they contain a relatively high concentration of low-mass stars.
c.       they contain active regions of star formation.
d.      they contain more metals that, when ionized, emit blue light.
e.       stars collide with each other frequently in these dense regions and explode as Type Ia supernovae.
18.      Which of the following would not be found in an elliptical galaxy?
a.       low-mass stars
b.      Type Ia supernovae
c.       Type II supernovae
d.      planetary nebulae
e.       hot gas
19.      To be a standard candle, an object must have a constant
a.       lifetime.
b.      brightness.
c.       luminosity.
d.      distance.
e.       mass.

20.      According to Hubble’s law, as the distance of a galaxy ____________ its _______________ increases.
a.       increases; luminosity
b.      increases; recessional velocity
c.       decreases; luminosity
d.      decreases; recessional velocity
e.       decreases; peculiar velocity
21.      Astronomers use galactic redshift to estimate
a.       gravity.
b.      luminosity.
c.       velocity.
d.      mass.
e.       distance.
22.      Why can Type Ia supernovae be used to determine a galaxy’s distance?
a.       Type Ia supernovae occur only in very luminous galaxies.
b.      Most Type Ia supernovae have approximately the same luminosity.
c.       Most Type Ia supernovae have approximately the same size.
d.      A Type Ia supernova occurs in a typical galaxy about once every 100 years.
e.       Type Ia supernovae occur even in very small galaxies.
23.      Which distance indicator can be used to measure the most distant objects?
a.       Cepheids
b.      Parallax
c.       Type Ia supernovae
d.      main-sequence fitting
e.       RR Lyrae stars
24.      If the distance of a galaxy at a redshift z = 0.5 is 1,800 Mpc, how many years back into the past are we looking when we observe this galaxy?
a.       500 million years
b.      2 billion years
c.       6 billion years
d.      9 billion years
e.       10 billion years
25.      The spectra of most galaxies tell us that
a.       galaxies appear to be moving away from us.
b.      their light comes predominantly from objects other than stars.
c.       most galaxies contain clouds of gas that are absorbing their favorite wavelengths.
d.      galaxies in the past rotated at a faster rate than they do today.
e.       galaxies are rushing through space in all directions.
26.      Which of the following lists distance indicators from nearest to farthest?
a.       Cepheids, parallax, main-sequence fitting, Type Ia supernovae
b.      parallax, main-sequence fitting, Cepheids, Type Ia supernovae
c.       parallax, main-sequence fitting, Type Ia supernovae, Cepheids
d.      main-sequence fitting, parallax, Cepheids, Type Ia supernovae
e.       Cepheids, Type Ia supernovae, main-sequence fitting, parallax
27.      The Tully-Fisher method of determination of distances to galaxies is based on the correlation between
a.       color and redshift.
b.      star formation rate and morphological type.
c.       width of emission lines and black hole accretion rate.
d.      rotational speed and luminosity.
e.       dark matter radial profile and X-ray brightness.

28.      Which galaxies are sometimes called “armless” disks?
a.       ellipticals
b.      irregulars
c.       dwarfs
d.      SOs
e.       barred spirals
29.      Type Ia supernovae have an absolute magnitude of 19.3. If you discover a Type Ia supernovae in a distant galaxy that has an apparent magnitude of 22, then how far away is this galaxy?
a.       0.3 Mpc
b.      40 Mpc
c.       1,200 Mpc
d.      1,800 Mpc
e.       3,500 Mpc
30.      The nearest known quasar shows a redshift of z = 0.0516, which means it is at a distance of
a.       220 Mpc.
b.      450 Mpc.
c.       100 Mpc.
d.      15400 Mpc.
e.       100 kpc.
31.      For the more distant quasars, the emission lines that would normally occur in the visible domain would be shifted into
a.       UV.
b.      X-rays.
c.       gamma rays.
d.      IR.
e.       radio.
32.      A certain spectral line of rest wavelength lrest (i.e., laboratory value) is shifted by 100 nm in a quasar. A second line with a rest wavelength half the (rest) value of the first one would be shifted by
a.       200 nm.
b.      100 nm.
c.       500 nm.
d.      50 nm.
e.       1000 nm.
33.      If a galaxy has an apparent velocity of 700 km/s, what is its distance if the Hubble constant is assumed to be 70 km/s/Mpc?
a.       10 Mpc
b.      70 Mpc
c.       100 Mpc
d.      700 Mpc
e.       1,000 Mpc
34.      If you found a galaxy with an Hα emission line that had a wavelength of 756.3 nm, what would be the galaxy’s redshift? (Note that the rest wavelength of the Hα emission line is 656.3 nm.)
a.       0.05
b.      0.07
c.       0.10
d.      0.13
e.       0.15

35.      If the distance of a galaxy is 10 Mpc, what is its recessional velocity if the Hubble constant is assumed to be 70 km/s/Mpc?
a.       700 km/s
b.      1,000 km/s
c.       3,500 km/s
d.      5,000 km/s
e.       7,000 km/s
36.      You see a galaxy in which the Hα line (rest wavelength = 656.3 nm) is observed at a wavelength of 756.3 nm. What would be the observed wavelength of a particular helium line that has a rest wavelength of 1,083 nm?
a.       1,083 nm
b.      1,183 nm
c.       1,248 nm
d.      1,440 nm
e.       3,142 nm
37.      If a galaxy has a recessional velocity of 50,000 km/s, at what wavelength will you observe the Hαemission line? (Note that the rest wavelength of the Hα emission line is 656.3 nm.)
a.       695.7 nm
b.      719.4 nm
c.       742.3 nm
d.      765.7 nm
e.       1750 nm
38.      If you found a galaxy with an Hα emission line that had a wavelength of 756.3 nm, what would be the galaxy’s distance if the Hubble constant is 70 km/s/Mpc? (Note that the rest wavelength of the Hα emission line is 656.3 nm.)
a.       650 Mpc
b.      760 Mpc
c.       3,200 Mpc
d.      6,400 Mpc
e.       7,600 Mpc
39.      If the spectrum of a distant galaxy is observed to have a calcium K absorption line that occurs at a wavelength of 500.4 nm, what is this galaxy’s distance if the rest wavelength of this absorption line is 393.4 nm? Assume the Hubble constant is 70 km/s/Mpc.
a.       720 Mpc
b.      952 Mpc
c.       1,166 Mpc
d.      2,580 Mpc
e.       3,730 Mpc
40.      In the figure shown below, the upper spectrum is from hydrogen at rest in a laboratory, and the lower spectrum is from a galaxy. How far away is this galaxy?
a.       110 Mpc
b.      170 Mpc
c.       230 Mpc
d.      280 Mpc
e.       340 Mpc
41.      You read about the discovery of quasars with redshift z larger than 1. This means that
a.       their host galaxies are receding at speeds exceeding the speed of light.
b.      the measurements of redshift must be wrong, z cannot exceed 1.
c.       the relationship between z and receding speed must account for relativistic corrections.
d.      the speed of light can exceed c in the case of distant quasars.
e.       quasars must contain a lot of dark matter.

42.      The rotation curve of a galaxy is a plot of the rotation speed as a function of the
a.       galaxy’s luminosity.
b.      mass of the dark matter halo.
c.       brightness of the luminous matter in the galaxy.
d.      radius from the center.
e.       ages of star clusters.
43.      If you measure the velocity of a cloud of gas that is rotating around the center of a galaxy in a circular orbit with radius R, you can determine the
a.       total mass of the galaxy.
b.      mass of the stars and gas in the galaxy.
c.       mass of the galaxy enclosed within the radius R.
d.      mass of the galaxy located outside the radius R.
e.       mass of luminous matter within the radius R.
44.      What makes up the majority of the mass of an individual spiral galaxy?
a.       a central supermassive black hole
b.      dark matter
c.       massive O- and B-type stars
d.      cold molecular gas clouds
e.       low-mass G-, K-, and M-type stars
45.      Dust in galaxies does not count as dark matter because
a.       it absorbs only some wavelengths of light but not all wavelengths as dark matter does.
b.      it interacts with light.
c.       it is found only in spiral disks, whereas dark matter is also found in elliptical galaxies, too.
d.      dust is easily destroyed by dark matter.
e.       there is never enough to account for all the gravity in galaxies.
46.      Dark matter is most likely made up of
a.       elementary particles that have mass but do not interact much with normal matter.
b.      supermassive black holes.
c.       faint stellar remnants such as white dwarfs and neutron stars.
d.      free-floating Jupiter-mass planets.
e.       cold concentrations of dust.
47.      How have astronomers searched for evidence of MACHOs in the halo of the Milky Way?
a.       They search for stars that are binary companions of MACHOs.
b.      They search for rapidly moving, massive gas clouds.
c.       They search for disturbances in the background of gravitational waves.
d.      They search for distant stars with light briefly amplified by gravitational lensing.
e.       They search for close binary stars undergoing mass transfer.
48.      The density of ordinary luminous matter can exceed the density of dark matter in which parts of galaxies?
a.       everywhere inside galaxies
b.      only in the outer regions of galaxies
c.       only in star clusters
d.      near the centers of galaxies
e.       only around an AGN
49.      Roughly what percentage of the total mass of a galaxy is made up of luminous, or normal, matter?
a.       5–10 percent
b.      25–30 percent
c.       40–50 percent
d.      70–75 percent
e.       90–95 percent

50.      How did astronomers determine that elliptical galaxies are composed mostly of dark matter?
a.       They measured the velocities of stars in the inner regions of the galaxies.
b.      They measured the rotation rates of gas as a function of distance from the centers of the galaxies.
c.       They measured the amount of gravitational pull elliptical galaxies have on companion galaxies.
d.      They assumed that the proportion of dark matter was roughly the same as in spiral galaxies.
e.       They measured the X-ray emission from hot gas gravitationally bound to the galaxies.
51.      How can we measure the mass of an elliptical galaxy?
a.       by measuring the speeds of stars in the nucleus
b.      by observing the velocity of the hot, X-ray emitting gas that surrounds the galaxy
c.       by measuring the number of H II regions in the galaxy
d.      by measuring how many supernovae go off each century
e.       by measuring the amount of blue light in the galaxy
52.      For which galaxies would it be easiest to measure rotation curves?
a.       elliptical
b.      face-on barred spirals
c.       face-on normal spirals
d.      face-on S0s
e.       edge-on spirals
53.      If a galaxy had no dark matter, how would the velocity (v) of a star that orbited far outside the visible extent of the galaxy depend on its distance (r) from the center of the galaxy? Hint: Think about the Keplerian motion of planets around the Sun.
a.       v r2
b.      v r1
d.      v r
e.       v r2
54.      Assume that when a supermassive black hole accretes gas, approximately 20 percent of the accreted mass is converted directly into energy, which is radiated away. If a quasar has a luminosity of 1013 L, then what must be its mass accretion rate?
a.       1 M per year
b.      3.5 M per year
c.       1 M per century
d.      3.5 M per century
e.       1 M per million years
55.      Which of the following functions correctly illustrates the relation between mean density and black hole mass?
a.       ρ M2
b.      ρ M1
d.      ρ M
e.       ρ M2

56.      Scientists estimate that the efficiency of mass accretion onto a supermassive black hole is about 15 percent. Compared with the energetic efficiency of the stellar fusion of hydrogen into helium, the accretion is
a.       about 20 times more efficient.
b.      about 20 times less efficient.
c.       equally inefficient.
d.      twice as efficient.
e.       half as efficient.
57.      AGNs are most likely powered by
a.       extremely dense star clusters.
b.      accreting supermassive black holes.
c.       ultradense molecular clouds.
d.      decaying dark matter.
e.       supernova explosions.
58.      The unified model of AGN suggests that quasars, Seyfert galaxies, and radio galaxies are
a.       unrelated, although they are all very luminous galaxies at radio wavelengths.
b.      powered by similar mass accretion rates onto supermassive black holes.
c.       driven by violent mergers of two gas-rich spiral galaxies.
d.      similar phenomena but viewed from different orientation angles.
e.       all powered by high rates of star formation and supernova explosions.
59.      In most cases it is impossible to observe the host galaxies of quasars because
a.       quasars outshine the host galaxies by a few orders of magnitude.
b.      the supermassive black holes have “eaten” all the stars in those galaxies.
c.       the host galaxies of quasars have too much dark matter.
d.      the host galaxies of quasars have too much obscuring dust.
e.       the galaxies hosting quasars are much smaller than our own Milky Way.
60.      What happens to active galaxies when their AGNs run out of fuel?
a.       The black holes powering them collapse even further.
b.      They simply become normal galaxies.
c.       They slowly dissipate into clouds of gas and dust.
d.      They eventually pull in material from farther out, starting the AGN process all over again.
e.       They explode as gamma-ray bursts.
61.      Quasars were first discovered in which region of the electromagnetic spectrum?
a.       X-ray
b.      gamma-ray
c.       radio
d.      infrared
e.       visible
62.      What do the broad emission lines in quasar spectra tell astronomers about these objects?
a.       They are very far away.
b.      They are moving away from us.
c.       They have rapid internal motions.
d.      They are very dense.
e.       They have few heavy elements.
63.      How do we know that AGNs have sizes on the order of our Solar System?
a.       Quasars and Seyfert galaxies are stellarlike sources.
b.      Their brightness varies by factors of a few.
c.       The emission lines in their spectra show gas rotating at speeds of thousands of km/s.
d.      Their brightness varies on timescales ranging from hours to a day.
e.       We can measure their angular size, which gives us the physical size when we know the distance.

64.      The formation of the Solar System and the existence of AGNs both demonstrate the
a.       importance of how luminosity varies with time.
b.      high efficiency of nuclear fusion.
c.       importance of accretion disks.
d.      importance of living in the center of a galaxy.
e.       existence of dark matter.
65.      In some radio galaxies, we see only one side of the jet because
a.       the black hole produces a jet in only one direction.
b.      of relativistic beaming.
c.       the other side is inside the black hole’s event horizon.
d.      of dust obscuration.
e.       of dark matter that blocks the light from one side of the jet.
66.      We interpret the presence of more AGNs in the past than today to indicate that
a.       there were fewer galaxy-galaxy interactions in the past.
b.      there were more galaxy-galaxy interactions in the past.
c.       supermassive black holes were larger in the past.
d.      today’s AGNs are hidden primarily by large amounts of cold gas and dust.
e.       AGNs had bigger central black holes in the past.
67.      Quasars remain unresolved sources, even with the best telescopic observations, because they
a.       are too luminous.
b.      occupy a very small volume.
c.       are quite blue.
d.      produce copious amounts of radio energy.
e.       host supermassive black holes.
68.      Which of these statements about quasars is false?
a.       Quasars are extremely luminous.
b.      Quasars are rare in our local vicinity.
c.       Quasars have high brightnesses.
d.      Quasars are extremely massive.
e.       Quasars are located at the centers of some active galaxies.
69.      If a Seyfert galaxy’s nucleus varies in brightness on the timescale of 10 hours, then what is the approximate upper limit for the size of the emitting region?
a.       20 AU
b.      30 AU
c.       50 AU
d.      70 AU
e.       120 AU

70.      More luminous giant galaxies tend to have __________ supermassive black holes at their centers.
a.       more massive
b.      radio quiet
c.       more luminous
d.      slower rotating
e.       less massive

1.      What determines the three-dimensional shapes of galaxies?
2.      How do the current star formation rates of spiral and elliptical galaxies compare?
3.      How did Hubble use his tuning fork diagram to classify galaxies? Is there any significance to this organization?
4.      How do we know that the stellar disks in spiral galaxies are flat? How do we know that elliptical galaxies are not flat?
5.      What were the positions taken by Heber Curtis and Harlow Shapley in their “Great Debate,” and how were both of them partially correct?
6.      How did Edwin Hubble definitively prove that “spiral nebulae” were individual galaxies that were separate from the Milky Way?
7.      The light curve of a Cepheid variable star allows astronomers to infer its mean apparent magnitude at 15.6 and the period of pulsation about 4.8 days. Utilizing the calibrated relation between period and luminosity for Classical Cepheids, its absolute magnitude is estimated at –3.6. What is the distance to that Cepheid star and, implicitly, the distance to its host galaxy?
8.      Explain why the light gray bands (labeled Radar, Parallax, etc.) that cover certain ranges of distances in the figure shown below overlap with one another both at the beginning and at the end?
9.      Name two “rungs” in the distance ladder that let us estimate the value of the Hubble constant.
10.      Order the following objects by the maximum distance they can be detected: Cepheid variables, RR Lyrae stars, Type Ia supernovae, and low-mass main-sequence stars. Explain your reasoning.

11.      Explain why the linear Hubble’s law has no free term.

12.      The spectrum of a galaxy is observed to have an Hα emission line at a wavelength of 928.7 nm. What is its redshift? (Note that the rest wavelength of the Hα emission line is 656.3 nm.)
13.      The spectrum of a galaxy is observed to have an Hα emission line at a wavelength of 856.3 nm. What is its distance if the Hubble constant is assumed to be 70 km/s/Mpc? (Note that the rest wavelength of the Hα emission line is 656.3 nm.)
14.      What is the most likely candidate for making up the dark matter in galaxies?
15.      How do we know that many elliptical galaxies contain significant amounts of dark matter?
16.      What is plotted on a rotation curve, and what can it tell us about a galaxy?
17.      If the rotational speed of the gas in the disk of a spiral galaxy is 100 km/s at a distance of 26,000 light-years from its center, then what is the mass enclosed within this radius? If the mass of luminous matter inside this radius is 5 billion M then what fraction of the galaxy’s mass is made of dark matter (within that same radius)? (Hint: Recall the technique learned earlier in Chapter 4.)
18.      Outside the dark matter halo of a galaxy, how should the speed of an orbiting body such as a satellite dwarf galaxy depend on its distance from the giant galaxy’s center?
19.      Estimate the total mass enclosed within 100 kpc radius, based on the rotation curve shown in the figure below. (Hint: Recall the technique learned earlier in Chapter 4.)
20.      Microquasars are scaled-down versions of quasars, the former being powered by accretion onto stellar-sized black holes, the material being provided by a companion star. The underlying mechanism seems to be very similar in both microquasars and their supermassive AGN. Typical microquasars have luminosities that are ten orders of magnitude lower than ordinary quasars. What is the typical level of accretion rate in the two cases?

21.      What are the main components of an AGN?
22.      If there is a 4 million M black hole at the center of our galaxy, why is our own galaxy not an AGN?
23.      How do we explain that “billions of galaxies are closer to Earth than is the nearest quasar”?
24.      Give three examples of types of active galactic nuclei and give one reason why each is unique.
25.      What is the difference between a Seyfert galaxy and a normal spiral galaxy?
26.      How do astronomers know that AGNs are as small as our Solar System?
27.      How does the appearance of an AGN depend on the viewing angle to the nucleus?
28.      What is the connection between active galaxies and galactic mergers?
29.      Why is a higher percentage of distant galaxies classified as AGNs compared with the percentage of galaxies around us locally?
30.      If an AGN varies its brightness on a timescale of 4 hours, then what is the size limit of the AGN measured in AU?

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