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Chapter 21: The Expanding Universe
Learning Objectives
Define the bold-faced vocabulary terms within the chapter.
21.1 The Cosmological Principle
Compare and contrast the meaning of homogenous and isotropic.
Multiple Choice: 1, 2, 4, 10
Illustrate the meaning of “homogenous and isotropic.”
Multiple Choice: 8
Short Answer: 1
Explain how the cosmological principle implies that there is no center of the universe.
Illustrate why observers in a uniformly expanding space will all observe Hubble expansion.
Multiple Choice: 3, 5, 6, 9, 11, 36
Short Answer: 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
Relate redshift to look-back time.
Multiple Choice: 7
Short Answer: 5, 8
21.2 The Universe Began in the Big Bang
Explain why Hubble expansion observed today implies the universe was smaller and hotter in the past.
Multiple Choice: 29, 30, 31, 37, 56
Distinguish between Hubble expansion arising from the expansion of space and its arising from an explosion flinging debris through space.
Multiple Choice: 32, 33, 34, 35
Short Answer: 14
21.3 Expansion Is Described with a Scale Factor
Characterize how the scale factor changes with time.
Multiple Choice: 45, 46, 47
Short Answer: 18, 19
Illustrate how expanding space leads to the redshift of light from distant objects.
21.4 Astronomers Observe Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
Illustrate why we expect the universe to be filled with a cosmic microwave background.
Multiple Choice: 55, 71
Short Answer: 20, 22
Relate the image seen in the cosmic microwave background to the epoch of recombination of hydrogen.
Multiple Choice: 51, 58, 59, 70
Short Answer: 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
Describe the observed characteristics of the cosmic microwave background.
Multiple Choice: 49, 50, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 68
Short Answer: 28, 29, 30
Characterize the conditions in the early universe based on the currently observed cosmic microwave background.
Multiple Choice: 48, 52, 53, 54, 57, 66, 67, 69, 72
Working It Out 21.1
Use Hubble’s law to estimate the age of the universe.
Multiple Choice: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
Short Answer: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Working It Out 21.2
Relate redshift to scale factor.
Multiple Choice: 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44
Short Answer: 16, 17
Distinguish between different sources of classical and relativistic redshift.
Short Answer: 15

1.      What do astronomers mean when they say that the universe is homogeneous?
a.       All stars in all galaxies have planetary systems just like ours.
b.      The universe looks exactly the same no matter what direction you look.
c.       Galaxies are generally distributed similarly throughout the universe.
d.      Generally speaking, there is little difference between conditions on Earth, in the Sun, or in outer space.
e.       The universe looks the same at all times in its history.
2.      What do astronomers mean when they say that the universe is isotropic?
a.       Far away parts of the universe look just like nearby parts.
b.      All galaxies are spiral galaxies like our own.
c.       Intergalactic gas has the same density everywhere in the universe.
d.      The laws of physics apply everywhere in the universe.
e.       The universe looks the same no matter what direction you look.
3.      According to Hubble’s law, as the distance of a galaxy __________ its __________ increases.
a.       increases; luminosity
b.      increases; recessional velocity
c.       decreases; luminosity
d.      decreases; recessional velocity
e.       decreases; peculiar velocity
4.      If we lived in a galaxy 1 billion lightyears from our own, what would we see?
a.       a universe 1 billion years younger than ours
b.      a universe 1 billion years older than ours
c.       much the same universe we see here
d.      a universe expanding at a slower rate than we see from Earth
e.       a universe expanding at a faster rate than we see from Earth
5.      The spectra of most galaxies tell us that
a.       most galaxies appear to be moving away from us.
b.      their light comes predominantly from objects other than stars.
c.       most galaxies contain clouds of gas that are absorbing their favorite wavelengths.
d.      galaxies in the past rotated at a faster rate than they do today.
e.       galaxies are rushing through space at high speeds.
6.      Why are some galaxies’ spectra blueshifted rather than redshifted?
a.       Some distant galaxies are gravitationally lensed.
b.      Some distant galaxies show the universe was contracting before the Big Bang started.
c.       Some nearby galaxies have vigorous star formation and are much bluer than others.
d.      Some distant galaxies have AGN at their centers.
e.       For some nearby galaxies the attraction of Milky Way dominates over the Hubble expansion of space.
7.      If the distance of a galaxy at a redshift z = 0.5 is 1,900 Mpc, how many years back into the past are we looking when we observe this galaxy?
a.       500 million years
b.      2 billion years
c.       6 billion years
d.      9 billion years
e.       10 billion years

8.      The cosmological constant was somehow “artificially” introduced by Einstein in order to
a.       make the universe stationary.
b.      explain the nature of dark matter.
c.       explain the riddle of black holes.
d.      explain the nature of dark energy.
e.       create a more interesting mathematical solution to his equations
9.      The spectrum of the galaxy NGC 7512 reveals a receding velocity of about 7000 km/s. An observer in that galaxy takes a spectrum of the Milky Way and measures __________________________.
a.       the same 7000 km/s receding speed
b.      only 1000 km/s, because for that observer the Hubble expansion is a lot slower
c.       something that we cannot possibly know, because the laws of physics apply only within the Milky Way
d.      23,000 km/s, because the speed of light has a different value for that observer
e.       no relative motion, because we are in fact wrong; the universe is static end eternal
10.      In an imaginary universe, astronomers find that there are thousands of galaxies within a few million light years in all directions, but beyond those galaxies there is nothing but empty space. Such a universe would be
a.       isotropic and homogeneous.
b.      isotropic but not homogenous.
c.       homogeneous but not isotropic.
d.      neither homogeneous nor isotropic.
e.       lacking any evidence for the Big Bang.
11.      You measure the redshift of a distant galaxy and find, using Hubble’s law and assuming a Hubble constant of 70 km/s/Mpc, that its distance is 1 billion ly. Imagine that an observer in that galaxy is measuring the recession speed of the Milky Way while you measure. What would be the speed that the remote alien observer would record?
a.       700 km/s
b.      21,500 km/s
c.       3,400 km/s
d.      10,700 km/s
e.       6,300 km/s
12.      Astronomers use galactic redshift as a measure of
a.       gravity.
b.      luminosity.
c.       velocity.
d.      mass.
e.       distance.
13.      The inverse of the value of H0 gives a measurement in a unit of
a.       time.
b.      mass.
c.       density.
d.      size.
e.       luminosity.
14.      What would you predict for the recession velocity of a galaxy whose distance (measured with the help of Type Ia supernovae) is 42 Mpc?
a.       2940 km/s
b.      1.42 km/s
c.       205,800 km/s
d.      25,000 km/s
e.       386 km/s

15.      Estimate the time it takes two galaxies to reach a presently measured separation of 55 Mpc.
a.       13.9 billion years
b.      250 million years
c.       4.6 billion years
d.      less than a second
e.       27 billion years
16.      If a galaxy has an apparent velocity of 700 km/s, what is its distance if the Hubble constant is 70 km/s/Mpc?
a.       10 Mpc
b.      70 Mpc
c.       100 Mpc
d.      700 Mpc
e.       1,000 Mpc
17.      If the distance of a galaxy is 10 Mpc, what is its recessional velocity if the Hubble constant is 70 km/s/Mpc?
a.       700 km/s
b.      1,000 km/s
c.       3,500 km/s
d.      5,000 km/s
e.       7,000 km/s
18.      Hubble originally estimated the “Hubble constant” to be about 500 km/s/Mpc. What age of the universe would such a number imply?
a.       2 billion years
b.      13.8 billion years
c.       16 billion years
d.      250 million years
e.       500 million years
19.      Which of the following pairs of numbers for recession velocity of galaxies and distance to galaxies is not correct?
a.       2,100 km/s, 30 Mpc
b.      4,200 km/s, 60 Mpc
c.       7,000 km/s, 100 Mpc
d.      5,600 km/s, 80 Mpc
e.       6,100 km/s, 340 Mpc
20.      You observe the following three galaxies and measure their respective recession velocities: (A, 2,100 km/s); (B, 4,400 km/s); and (C, 3,050 km/s). Which of the following must be true about these galaxies?
a.       A is smaller than B.
b.      A has more star formation than C.
c.       B has more stars than C.
d.      B is farther than A.
e.       They are all members of the Local Group.
21.      If the slope of the graph v vs. D is Ho, the slope of the D vs. v graph is the
a.       age of the universe.
b.      cosmological constant.
c.       scaling factor of the universe.
d.      temperature of the CMB.
e.       amount of dark energy in the universe.

22.      If the Hubble constant had a value that was half of its current measured value of 70 km/s/Mpc, the age of the universe would be about
a.       7 billion years.
b.      14 billion years.
c.       22 billion years.
d.      28 billion years.
e.       33 billion years.
23.      Which of the following would not immediately rule out a Hubble constant of 300 km/s/Mpc?
a.       the age of the Sun
b.      the age of the globular clusters in the Milky Way
c.       the age of the coolest known white dwarfs
d.      the age of a main sequence star 50 times more massive than our Sun
e.       the age of our Milky Way Galaxy
24.      A Hubble constant of 70 km/s/Mpc is the same as
a.       0.072 Gyr1.
b.      13.9 km/s/ly.
c.       7 × 105 km/s/ly.
d.      0.014 km/s/ly.
e.       0.014 Gyr1.
25.      Galaxy peculiar velocities are typically about 300 km/s. How far away do you have to look in order to see galaxies recessional velocities that are 10 times this peculiar velocity?
a.       12 Mpc
b.      25 Mly
c.       37 Mpc
d.      43 Mpc
e.       52 Mpc

26.      If you found a galaxy with an Hα emission line that had a wavelength of 756.3 nm, what would be the galaxy’s distance if the Hubble constant was 70 km/s/Mpc? (Note that the rest wavelength of the Hα emission line is 656.3 nm.)
a.       650 Mpc
b.      760 Mpc
c.       3,200 Mpc
d.      6,400 Mpc
e.       7,600 Mpc
27.      If the spectrum of a distant galaxy is observed to have a calcium K absorption line that occurs at a wavelength of 500.4 nm, what is this galaxy’s distance if the rest wavelength of this absorption line is 393.4 nm? Assume the Hubble constant is 70 km/s/Mpc.
a.       720 Mpc
b.      850 Mpc
c.       1,200 Mpc
d.      2,500 Mpc
e.       3,700 Mpc
28.      In the figure shown below, the upper spectrum is from hydrogen at rest in a laboratory, and the lower spectrum is from a galaxy. How far away is this galaxy?
a.       110 Mpc
b.      170 Mpc
c.       230 Mpc
d.      280 Mpc
e.       340 Mpc
29.      Galaxies move away from us in all directions because
a.       the force of gravity increases with distance.
b.      the force of gravity weakens with distance.
c.       space is expanding.
d.      our galaxy has expelled all other galaxies.
e.       we are at the center of the expansion of the universe.
30.      Hubble’s constant, H0, represents the
a.       rate of expansion of the universe.
b.      speed at which galaxies are moving away from us.
c.       time it takes a galaxy to move twice as far away from us.
d.      size of the universe.
e.       amount of time since the Solar System formed..
31.      Choose the incorrect statement about Hubble’s law.
a.       It allows us to measure distances to remote galaxies.
b.      It is one fundamental piece of evidence supporting the expansion of the universe.
c.       It provides information about the age of the universe.
d.      It applies only to nearby galaxies, within the Local Group.
e.       It is essentially a linear proportionality between recession velocity and distance for galaxies.
32.      Where in the universe did the Big Bang take place?
a.       near the Milky Way Galaxy
b.      near the Virgo cluster
c.       near some unknown location on the other side of the universe
d.      everywhere in the universe
e.       at the center of the universe, not too far from the center of the cosmic background radiation
33.      Hubble’s law is written in a mathematical form as
a.       v × D = Ho.
b.      v × D = 1/Ho.
c.       v = Ho × D.
d.      v × Ho = D.
e.       D/v = Ho.
34.      Is dark energy responsible for the expansion of the universe?
a.       No. The expansion would happen without dark energy, but dark energy is causing the expansion rate to decrease.
b.      Yes. Dark energy is currently the driving force in the universe’s expansion.
c.       No. Dark energy is only responsible for the observed rapid motions of stars within galaxies.
d.      No. The expansion would happen without dark energy, but dark energy is causing the expansion rate to increase.
e.       No. The dark energy has no effect on the expansion.
35.      The apparent recessional velocities of galaxies at large distances are due mainly to
a.       the actual motions of the galaxies through space.
b.      the motion of our Sun around the galactic center.
c.       a continuously increasing scaling factor of the universe.
d.      the relativistic jets launched by supermassive black holes.
e.       incorrect interpretation of spectra from galaxies.

36.      An expanding universe
a.       was first predicted by the general theory of relativity.
b.      was first discovered observationally by Hubble and afterwards rejected on theoretical grounds.
c.       is just an abstract and meaningless mathematical solution to a purely theoretical equation in relativity.
d.      is at odds with the cosmological principle.
e.       it is not consistent with the predictions of the Big Bang model.
37.      If you measured the distances and recessional velocities for a sample of galaxies and plotted the data to get the figure shown below, what value would you derive for the Hubble constant?
a.       10 km/s/Mpc
b.      50 km/s/Mpc
c.       70 km/s/Mpc
d.      100 km/s/Mpc
e.       500 km/s/Mpc
38.      Scientists indicate that the first stars probably formed at a redshift z ~ 20. At that time the universe was about
a.       5 percent of its current size.
b.      50 percent of Earth’s size.
c.       as big as an atom.
d.      about 100 AU across.
e.       the size of a grapefruit.
39.      The universe was 10 percent its current size when light left objects observed now at redshift
a.       1.
b.      3.
c.       6.
d.      9.
e.       20.
40.      What is the correct interpretation of a redshift larger than 1?
a.       The object is moving faster than the speed of light.
b.      The universe has more than doubled in size since the light from that object was emitted.
c.       The object has an extremely large peculiar velocity.
d.      The light was shifted to longer wavelengths from gravitational radiation.
e.       The rate of expansion of the universe is increasing.
41.      When we look at galaxies in the universe and measure their star formation rates, we find that galaxies at redshifts z 1 have higher star formation rates than they do now. At that time, the universe was __________ times the size it is today.
a.       0.1
b.      0.2
c.       0.5
d.      0.7
e.       0.9
42.      Distant galaxies we can see today with a redshift of z 6 emitted their light when the universe was
a.       five times smaller than it is today.
b.      six times smaller than it is today.
c.       seven times smaller than it is today.
d.      eight times smaller than it is today.
e.       the same size as it is today.

43.      The CMB is a snapshot of the radiation in the universe at a redshift of z 1,000 when the universe was about
a.       1,000 times smaller than it is today.
b.      10 times smaller than it is today.
c.       two times smaller than it is today.
d.      the same size as it is today.
e.       10 times larger than it is today.
44.      The record for the most distant galaxy in the universe was recently reported with a redshift of z = 8.68. Compared with the current size of the universe, what was its size when the light from that galaxy started its long journey to us?
a.       about 10 times smaller
b.      about 50 percent smaller
c.       about 0.001 percent smaller
d.      about 99 percent smaller
e.       about 250 percent bigger
45.      Which of the following are changing as the universe is expanding?
a.       the laws of physics
b.      the sizes of atoms
c.       the sizes of planetary systems
d.      the cosmological distances
e.       the diameters of stars and galaxies
46.      Will the Sun get larger over many billions of years?
a.       Yes, because of changes taking place in its interior.
b.      Yes, because the rate of expansion of the universe is increasing.
c.       No, because the Earth is at center of the universe’s expansion.
d.      Yes, because the expansion of the universe is pulling the Sun apart.
e.       No. It has always been the same size.
47.      It is possible for a galaxy to have an apparent velocity greater than the speed of light. This means that the galaxy
a.       has an active nucleus capable of producing relativistic jets.
b.      is approaching us and the measured speed is a mere artifact of projecting its velocity along the line of sight.
c.       has been ejected at tremendous speed by the Big Bang.
d.      is being temporarily accelerated by large numbers of simultaneous supernovae blasts.
e.       it is being carried by the expansion of the universe.
48.      Which of the following is not a prediction of the standard Big Bang theory that has been successfully verified by observations?
a.       The universe is expanding.
b.      The most distant galaxies are redder because they are older.
c.       Helium and lithium were made as the universe cooled after the initial Big Bang.
d.      The early universe was very hot and dense.
e.       The most distant galaxies are redder because their light has been stretched during the time it took for the light to reach Earth.
49.      In the early 1960s, physicists Penzias and Wilson detected a persistent noise at a wavelength of about 1 mm in their radio telescope that came from all directions in the sky due to
a.       synchrotron emission from the Crab Nebula.
b.      emission from newly formed stars in the Orion Nebula.
c.       cellphone usage.
d.      photons left over from the Big Bang.
e.       television and radio broadcasting.

50.      The temperature of the CMB is hotter on one side of the sky than on the other by approximately 3 mK. What does this tell us?
a.       The Earth has a peculiar velocity of about 8,000 km/s with respect to the CMB.
b.      The Earth has a peculiar velocity of about 400 km/s with respect to the CMB.
c.       The Earth is near the center of the universe’s expansion but not exactly at the middle.
d.      The universe is expanding faster on one side of us than on the other.
e.       The universe is homogeneous but not isotropic.
51.      The oldest photons we detect in the universe come from
a.       distant quasars.
b.      the first generations of stars.
c.       the most distant galaxies.
d.      the epoch of recombination.
e.       the first supernovae.
52.      The cosmic microwave background radiation was emitted when the universe had a size about 1/1000 of today’s value. What was the temperature of the microwave background radiation at the epoch of recombination?
a.       30 K
b.      300 K
c.       3000 K
d.      30,000 K
e.       300,000 K
53.      The existence of the cosmic background radiation tells us that the early universe was
a.       much hotter than it is today.
b.      much colder than it is today.
c.       composed entirely of radiation at early times.
d.      composed entirely of stars at early times.
e.       about the same temperature as today but much more dense.
54.      After the Big Bang, as the universe cooled and protons and electrons combined, what important consequence happened?
a.       Protons and neutrons combined to form nuclei such as deuterium and helium.
b.      Neutrinos ceased to interact with normal matter.
c.       Dark matter ceased to interact with normal matter.
d.      Photons began to travel freely through the universe.
e.       Lithium and other light elements were formed by the fusion of hydrogen and helium.
55.      Does the temperature of the cosmic background radiation by itself tell us anything significant about the age of the universe?
a.       Yes, since it was produced at a redshift of approximately 1,000.
b.      No, we still need to know the Hubble constant to know the universe’s age.
c.       No, the temperature does not, but the magnitude of temperature variations in the CMB does tell us the age.
d.      Yes, in combination with information on cosmic nucleosynthesis.
e.       No, the CMB formed at a wide variety of times and gives no information on the age of the whole universe.
56.      Choose the incorrect statement about the CMB.
a.       It is nearly isotropic.
b.      It is a fundamental confirmation of the Big Bang theory.
c.       It is a thermal signature described by a temperature of about 3K.
d.      It was discovered accidentally in the 1960s.
e.       It is thought to be produced by the first generations of stellar black holes.

57.      The CMB can be regarded as a “wall” beyond which we cannot see light because
a.       photons couldn’t leave the hot plasma before the recombination period.
b.      we haven’t discovered the technology to detect light from earlier epochs.
c.       galaxies absorb all the photons from earliest times, closer to the Big Bang.
d.      there existed only massive particles within the universe in the first 380,000 years of existence and no photons.
e.       behind the CMB “wall” there is a huge black hole that doesn’t allow light to escape.
58.      If the temperature of the CMB changes with redshift z as T = T0(1 + z), where T0 is the currently measured 2.73K, what is the redshift corresponding to the time when the photons first escaped from the 3000 K hot bubble of ionized material?
a.       about 10
b.      about 100
c.       about 1
d.      about 1000
e.       about 0.5
59.      How many times smaller was the universe when the currently observed CMB photons started their journey to us?
a.       1/1000
b.      1/10
c.       1/100
d.      1/10 5
e.       0.001 percent
60.      The COBE microwave map shown in the figure below seems to indicate that one part of the sky is 0.003 K warmer than the other. What is the cause of such an apparent anisotropy?
a.       Earth and Sun are moving at 368 km/s in the direction of the constellation Crater relative to the CMB frame.
b.      The map was obtained when the Sun was at its peak of activity within a given 11year cycle.
c.       It is due to interference with the many microwave ovens people use in homes.
d.      The boundaries between the warmer and cooler areas are sites of strong supernova activity.
e.       It indicates that galaxies could form in only half of the universe.
61.      The apparently “grainy” CMB distribution shown in the WMAP in the figure below represents temperature fluctuations of about
a.       0.001 percent.
b.      0.1 percent.
c.       10 percent.
d.      50 percent.
e.       27.4 percent.
62.      The CMB fluctuations seen in the WMAP temperature distribution measures are of crucial importance in that
a.       they prove that the cosmological principle is incorrect, the universe is in fact anisotropic.
b.      they reveal the signatures of the large mass concentrations where subsequent galaxies and clusters of galaxies formed.
c.       they reveal the technical limitation of the detectors on board the WMAP satellite.
d.      they give us clues about the black hole evaporation happening in the early universe.
e.       they emphasize the limited value of general relativity.
63.      The CMB fluctuations of 0.001 percent seen in the WMAP sky map are due to
a.       gravitational redshifts.
b.      technical artifacts.
c.       faulty instrumentation.
d.      Hubble expansion.
e.       explosive supernovae.
64.      The CMB spectrum shown in the figure below is
a.       a thermal spectrum.
b.      an emission line spectrum.
c.       an absorption line spectrum.
d.      identical to the spectrum of our Sun.
e.       blueshifted into the microwaves domain.
65.      Why is it not possible to look all the way back to the Big Bang itself?
a.       Photons are not produced until the stars begin to shine at a redshift of z 20.
b.      From redshifts of z = 0 to 100, photons are gravitationally lensed by the dark matter in the universe.
c.       At redshifts of z > 1,000, most of the photons are blocked by large amounts of cold gas and dust.
d.      For redshifts of z > 1,000, photons cannot travel freely because they easily interact with individual protons and electrons in the universe.
e.       Photons from the Big Bang would be so strongly redshifted that we could never detect them.
66.      If the wavelength of the background radiation peaked at 1 µm at the time of recombination, how old was the universe then compared with its age today?
a.       one second old
b.      1/100th of a second old
c.       1/1,000th of a year old
d.      3,000 years old
e.       several hundred thousand years old
67.      The current temperature of the cosmic background radiation of 2.73 K means that the peak of its spectrum occurs at a wavelength of
a.       0.1 µm.
b.      1 µm.
c.       10 µm.
d.      100 µm.
e.       1,000 µm.

68.      Why did the Big Bang nucleosynthesis only produces elements less massive than lithium and beryllium?
a.       The universe expanded and cooled rapidly.
b.      The universe was never hot enough for nucleosythesis by fusion before stars formed.
c.       There was no black hole to provide sufficient energy for advanced nucleosythesis.
d.      The laws of physics do not allow the formation of massive nuclei outside stars.
e.       More massive elements did form, but they decayed very fast into lighter ones.
69.      Which of the following objects would be the oldest?
a.       a 4000K WD
b.      the Sun
c.       the CMB
d.      a 20 solar mass main sequence star
e.       a halo star with 1/250 heavy element abundance relative to the Sun’s

70.      Which of the following scientists is not directly connected to the prediction or discovery of the CMB?
a.       Arno Penzias
b.      Robert Wilson
c.       George Gamow
d.      Robert Dicke
e.       Georges Lemaître
71.      Which of the following particles was not produced in the immediate aftermath of the Big Bang?
a.       hydrogen
b.      helium
c.       protons
d.      iron
e.       photons

1.      Describe the two assumptions regarding the universe that the cosmological principle makes.

2.      We see the universe around us expanding, at a rate of 70 km/s/Mpc. If you were an astronomer living today in a galaxy that was located 1 billion light years away from us, at what rate would you see the galaxies moving away from you?
3.      Does the expansion of the universe make the Sun bigger? What about the Milky Way? Why or why not?
4.      Why did Einstein call his cosmological constant his “biggest blunder”?
5.      The spectrum of a galaxy is observed to have an Hα emission line at a wavelength of 928.7 nm. What is its redshift? Note that the rest wavelength of the Hα emission line is 656.3 nm.
6.      Does Hubble’s law imply that our galaxy is sitting at the center of the universe? Explain.
7.      Imagine a balloon that you can inflate to visualize the expansion of the universe. The space is symbolized by the surface of the balloon. You use a marker to draw/paint galaxies on its outside surface and you start pumping out air inside the balloon. How would this model conform or not with the correct view of an expanding universe?
8.      Explain the difference between the universe and the observable universe.
9.      The spectrum of a galaxy is observed to have an Hα emission line at a wavelength of 856.3 nm. What is its distance if the Hubble constant is 70 km/s/Mpc? (Note that the rest wavelength of the Hα emission line is 656.3 nm.)
10.      Employing Hubble’s law, calculate the distance to the Andromeda Galaxy, which is moving at 110 km/s. The directly measured distance to Andromeda is 2.5 million lightyears. How would the two numbers agree or disagree. Explain.
11.      If the oldest known globular clusters are about 13 billion years old, how is this constraining the Hubble constant value?
12.      If the Hubble constant were equal to 50 km/s/Mpc, what would the approximate age of the universe (the Hubble time) be, assuming that the expansion rate has stayed approximately constant over time? Note that 1 Mpc = 3.086 × 1019 km and 1 year = 3.154 × 107 s.
13.      Give two examples of very old objects that could help astronomers set a lower limit on the age of the universe.
14.      Why is the typical visual depiction of the Big Bang in movies and television shows scientifically incorrect?
15.      Explain the different types of redshift you encountered in this chapter.
16.      The Hubble Space Telescope can be used to study galaxies at a redshift equal to 2. How much has the universe expanded since that light was emitted from these galaxies?
17.      You observe a distant quasar in which the Lyman alpha line (Lα) of hydrogen (rest wavelength = 121.6 nm) is found at a wavelength of 547.2 nm. When the light from this quasar was emitted, how large was the universe compared to its current size?
18.      What does the value of RU, the scale factor of the universe, tell us?
19.      In the late 1940s, various scientists hypothesized the existence of a background radiation, a leftover signature from the Big Bang, although they also predicted a rather cool temperature for it, in the range of 550K. Why did they expect such a cold radiation to permeate the universe?
20.      Briefly explain how an accurate determination of Hubbleconstant has improved our understanding of cosmology.
21.      Why is the “recombination” term used to describe the epoch when the universe became transparent to photons sort of a misnomer?
22.      What are the three different tests that support the Big Bang cosmology?
23.      If the temperature of the CMB changes with redshift z as T = T0(1 + z), what is the redshift corresponding to the time when the photons escaped from the hot bubble of ionized material?
24.      If the temperature of the CMB changes with redshift z as T = T0(1 + z), and the recombination happened when the universe was about 1,000 times smaller than at the present time, what was the temperature at the time the universe became transparent to photons?
25.      If the temperature of the CMB changes with redshift z as T = T0 (1 + z), what was the peak wavelength of this thermal/Plank signature when the universe was 1 percent of its current size?
26.      What important event in the universe’s early history marked the creation of the cosmic background radiation?
27.      Show in a graph format how the scaling factor Ru changes with redshift.
28.      The cosmic microwave background (CMB) has a temperature of approximately 2.73 K and a Planck blackbody spectrum. Calculate the wavelength where the CMB spectrum peaks.
29.      What is the significance of the 0.001 percent fluctuations detected in the CMP map by modern satellites like WMPA and Plank, as in the figure shown below?
30.      The COBE and WMAP satellites detected fluctuations in the CMB. On average, how big were these fluctuations, and what do they that tell us about the universe at a redshift of z = 1,000?

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Chapter 22: Cosmology
Learning Objectives
Define the boldfaced vocabulary terms within the chapter.
22.1 Gravity and the Expansion of the Universe
Illustrate why gravity determines the fate of the universe.
Multiple Choice: 1
Explain why density, rather than mass, determines the evolution of the universe (i.e., expansion, contraction, acceleration, deceleration).
Short Answer: 2
Relate the value of the density parameter Ω to the evolution of the universe (i.e., expansion, contraction, acceleration, deceleration).
Multiple Choice: 2, 3
Short Answer: 1
22.2 The Accelerating Universe
Summarize the evidence that there is a nonzero cosmological constant.
Multiple Choice: 7, 8, 11, 13, 18, 19
Explain the effects of dark energy.
Multiple Choice: 6, 17
Short Answer: 4, 8, 12
Characterize how the amounts of matter and dark energy in the universe determine its evolution and fate.
Multiple Choice: 12, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32
Differentiate between the Big Crunch, Big Rip, and Big Chill.
Multiple Choice: 14, 15, 16, 20, 21
Short Answer: 11
Identify how gravity and dark energy influence the age of the universe.
Multiple Choice: 9, 25
Short Answer: 5, 7
Illustrate the causes and behavior of different shapes (geometries) of the universe.
Multiple Choice: 10, 26, 29
Short Answer: 6, 9, 10
22.3 Inflation Solves Several Problems in Cosmology
Explain how inflation solves the horizon and flatness problems.
Multiple Choice: 34, 35, 37, 38, 39
Short Answer: 16, 17, 18
Illustrate the effects of inflation on the early universe.
Multiple Choice: 36
Short Answer: 15
22.4 The Earliest Moments of the Universe Connect the Very Largest Size Scales to the Very Smallest
List the four forces of nature.
Multiple Choice: 40, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54, 64
Short Answer: 19, 21, 24
Illustrate the relationship between temperature of the universe and unification of forces.
Multiple Choice: 44, 53, 61, 65, 66
Short Answer: 20
Explain how the events that occurred in the early universe are related to the forces that operate in the universe today.
Multiple Choice: 43, 45, 51, 52, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 67, 68
Short Answer: 22, 23, 25, 26
Illustrate the processes of pair production and annihilation.
Multiple Choice: 41, 42, 55, 56
Short Answer: 27
22.5 String Theory and Multiverses
Describe the motivation for string theory.
Short Answer: 29, 30
Assess whether string theory is a scientific theory.
Multiple Choice: 69, 70
Short Answer: 28
Assess whether multiverses are a scientific theory.
Multiple Choice: 71
Working It Out 22.1
Calculate the critical density of the Universe.
Multiple Choice: 4, 5
Short Answer: 3
Working It Out 22.2
Calculate the temperature and energy above which pair production of different particles can occur.
Multiple Choice: 33
Short Answer: 13, 14
1.      If there were no dark energy in the universe, the value of __________ would solely determine the evolution and fate of the universe.
a.       H0
b.      1/H0
c.       G
d.      Ωm
e.       ΩΛ
2.      If Ωm = 0.5 today and there were no dark energy, the universe would
a.       expand forever.
b.      slow its expansion but never reverse it.
c.       stop expanding and eventually collapse.
d.      oscillate between expansion and collapse.
e.       expand so quickly that the universe is ripped apart.
3.      If the fate of the universe were determined solely by what is currently known to be the total mass of the universe in luminous and dark matter (excluding dark energy), astronomers would predict that we live in a universe that will
a.       expand forever.
b.      slow its expansion but never reverse it.
c.       stop expanding and eventually collapse.
d.      oscillate between expansion and collapse.
e.       expand so quickly that it will rip apart.

4.      If the Hubble constant had a value of 50 km/s/Mpc, the value of the critical density ρc would be about
a.       twice larger.
b.      twice smaller.
c.       the same.
d.      1.4 times smaller.
e.       1.4 times larger.
5.      The critical density of the universe is closest to
a.       6 protons/m3.
b.      5 g/m3.
c.       1 kg/m3.
d.      1 MEarth/m3.
e.       1 M/m3.
6.      Gravity acts to _________ the expansion of the universe, and dark energy acts to __________ the expansion.
a.       slow down; slow down
b.      slow down ; speed up
c.       speed up; slow down
d.      speed up; speed up
7.      To determine how the expansion rate of the universe has changed over time, astronomers directly measure the _____________________ for a sample of Type Ia supernovae in distant galaxies.
a.       redshift and luminosity
b.      redshift and brightness
c.       redshift and distance
d.      distance and luminosity
e.       distance and brightness
8.      The observations that show that the expansion of the universe is speeding up tell us the universe must contain
a.       gravity.
b.      dark matter.
c.       a force opposing gravity.
d.      black holes.
e.       cosmic microwave background radiation.
9.      What two properties of the universe are determined by the values of Ωm and ΩΛ?
a.       size and temperature
b.      expansion rate and size
c.       size and age
d.      age and expansion rate
e.       age and temperature

10.      In a closed (spherical) universe, the sum of the angles in a triangle is
a.       180 degrees.
b.      < 180 degrees.
c.       120 degrees.
d.      > 180 degrees.
e.       240 degrees.

11.      The accelerated expansion of the universe was observationally discovered using
a.       Type Ia supernovae.
b.      Cepheid variables.
c.       RR Lyrae.
d.      stellar parallax.
e.       colors of galaxies.
12.      In a universe undergoing an accelerated expansion,
a.       ΩΛ must be exactly zero.
b.      the fate of the universe is exclusively dictated by Ωm.
c.       the mass density must be larger than the critical density.
d.      the only possible outcome is the Big Crunch.
e.       the age of the universe is greater than the Hubble time.
13.      In modern cosmology, Einstein’s cosmological constant is
a.       an example of dark energy that causes an accelerated expansion of the universe.
b.      vanishingly zero.
c.       another name for the critical density of the universe.
d.      the only explanation for an infinite universe.
e.       of no use, as it predicts a static universe.
14.      Which of the curves in the figure shown below would best describe the scenario of a Big Rip for the universe?
a.       A
b.      B
c.       C
d.      All three of them
e.       None of them
15.      Which of the curves in the figure shown below would best describe the scenario of a Big Crunch for the universe?
a.       A
b.      B
c.       C
d.      All three of them
e.       None of them
16.      In a scenario in which dark energy is changing significantly over time, which of the following outcomes are possible?
a.       Big Crunch and Big Rip
b.      Big Crunch and Big Chill
c.       Big Rip and Big Freeze
d.      Big Crunch and Big Freeze
e.       Big Chill and Big Freeze
17.      Which of the following is false?
a.       When the universe was young, matter worked to slow the expansion rate of the universe.
b.      The Big Bang occurred approximately 13.8 billion years ago.
c.       Only in the last 5 billion to 6 billion years has dark energy caused the universe’s expansion rate to increase over time.
d.      Throughout the age of the universe, dark energy has caused its expansion rate to increase over time.
e.       Astrophysicists are unsure whether or not dark energy always will continue to increase the expansion rate of the universe.

18.      In the 1990s, astronomers found that distant Type Ia supernovae were __________ than they expected, leading them to conclude that ___________________.
a.       brighter; the universe’s expansion rate was decreasing with time
b.      brighter; the universe was finite in size
c.       fainter; the universe’s expansion rate has been increasing with time
d.      fainter; the universe was infinite in size
e.       fainter; the universe was finite in size
19.      Observations of Type Ia supernovae in distant galaxies have shown that
a.       the star formation rate in galaxies decreases with increasing redshift.
b.      the expansion rate of the universe is increasing.
c.       the cosmological constant is zero.
d.      dark energy is negligible at the present time.
e.       there were more stars in the past than at the present time.
20.      The Big Rip could occur in a universe where the effect of _____________ increases with time.
a.       quantum mechanics
b.      luminous matter
c.       dark energy
d.      gravity
e.       dark matter
21.      Current observations suggest that the density of all matter and the density of dark energy are
a.       Ωm = 0.3; ΩΛ = 0.7
b.      Ωm = 0.02; ΩΛ = 0.5
c.       Ωm = 0.0; ΩΛ = 0.9
d.      Ωm = 0.7; ΩΛ = 0.3
e.       Ωm = 0.02; ΩΛ = 0.0
22.      What has had the largest effect on the change in the expansion rate of the present-day universe?
a.       dark matter
b.      luminous matter
c.       dark energy
d.      radiation pressure
e.       gravity
23.      If Ωm + ΩΛ = 1 today and dark energy were a cosmological constant, the universe would
a.       expand forever.
b.      slow its expansion but never reverse it.
c.       stop expanding and eventually collapse.
d.      oscillate between expansion and collapse.
e.       expand so quickly that the universe is ripped apart.
24.      How does the existence of dark energy affect the expansion of the universe?
a.       It is possible for the mass density of the universe to be below the critical density and still collapse.
b.      It is possible for the mass density of the universe to be below the critical density and still expand forever.
c.       It is impossible to have a collapsing universe, regardless of its density.
d.      It is impossible to have an expanding universe, regardless of its density.
e.       It is impossible for the mass density of the universe to be above the critical density and still expand forever.

25.      In a universe undergoing an accelerated expansion rate, the actual age of the universe is __________ the Hubble time.
a.       older than
b.      younger than
c.       negligible compared with
d.      the same as
e.       independent of
26.      The universe can be infinite in size for which shapes of the universe?
a.       open
b.      closed
c.       flat
d.      closed and flat
e.       open and flat
27.      The figure below shows a graph of the value of Ωm as a function of time in a universe with no dark energy. The five different curves correspond to universes with slightly different values for Ωm one second after the Big Bang.
Which line corresponds to a universe with the largest value of Ωm one second after the Big Bang?
a.       A
b.      B
c.       C
d.      D
e.       E
28.      The figure below shows a graph of the value of Ωm as a function of time in a universe with no dark energy. The five different curves correspond to universes with slightly different values for Ωm one second after the Big Bang.
Which line corresponds to a universe with the smallest value of Ωm one second after the Big Bang?
a.       A
b.      B
c.       C
d.      D
e.       E
29.      Which of the following statements is not valid?
a.       ΩΛ + Ωm = 1 indicates a flat universe.
b.      ΩΛ + Ωm = 1 ties into the flatness problem.
c.       ΩΛ and Ωm both affect the predictions about the fate and age of the universe.
d.      In an open or closed universe, Euclidian geometry is still applicable.
e.       Current observational data seem to suggest that the universe is quite flat.
30.      The figure below shows five graphs of the scale factor of the universe as a function of time. Which of these graphs would occur for a universe with Ωm > 1 and ΩΛ = 0?
a.       A
b.      B
c.       C
d.      D
e.       E

31.      The figure below shows five graphs of the scale factor of the universe as a function of time. Which of these graphs would occur for a universe with Ωm < 1 and ΩΛ = 0?
a.       A
b.      B
c.       C
d.      D
e.       E
32.      The figure below shows five possible graphs of the scale factor of the universe as a function of time.
Which of these graphs represent our universe where Ωm = 0.3 and ΩΛ = 0.7?
a.       A
b.      B
c.       C
d.      D
e.       E
33.      What was the temperature of the universe when photons were no longer able to spontaneously create electron and positron pairs? (Note that a photon’s energy is equal to , the cosmic background at any point in time has a blackbody spectrum that peaks at a wavelength , and the mass of a single electron is 9.11 × 10-31 kg.)
a.       2,000 K
b.      400,000 K
c.       2 million K
d.      40 million K
e.       8 billion K
34.      The flatness problem arises because only a universe with a value of __________ can have that value forever.
a.       Ωm + ΩΛ = 0
b.      Ωm + ΩΛ = 1
c.       Ωm + ΩΛ = 0.7
d.      Ωm + ΩΛ = 0.02
e.       Ωm = ΩΛ = 0
35.      What can simultaneously solve both the flatness and horizon problems in cosmology?
a.       GUT
b.      quantum mechanics
c.       TOE
d.      inflation
e.       dark energy
36.      Which of the following is a false statement about inflation?
a.       Inflation occurred when the universe was < 1033 seconds old.
b.      Inflation occurred when the universe expanded by a factor of approximately 1030.
c.       Inflation solves the horizon problem.
d.      Inflation is currently driving the expansion of the universe.
e.       Inflation solves the flatness problem.

37.      Choose the correct statement about inflation.
a.       It helps solve both the problems of the flatness of the universe and the smoothness of the cosmic background radiation.
b.      It assumes that at some point in the future dark energy will decay and the universe will expand rapidly by a factor of 1030.
c.       When the universe was approximately 1 second old, its size grew by a factor of 1030.
d.      It is the best version for a TOE.
e.       Scientists have obtained direct and undisputable observational evidence that inflation did occur.
38.      Why would it be very improbable for our universe to have Ωm + ΩΛ = 0.9?
a.       It would quickly evolve to have a much different value of Ωm + ΩΛ.
b.      In order to exist, every universe must have Ωm + ΩΛ = 1.
c.       We know Ωm = 1, based on the average density of galaxies.
d.      The CMB fluctuations tell us that Ωm+ ΩΛ = 0.7.
e.       Dark energy studies tell us ΩΛ = 0.9.
39.      Why is the smoothness of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) considered a problem?
a.       A universe as smooth as predicted by the CMB should not have formed as many galaxies as have been observed.
b.      A universe as smooth as predicted by the CMB should have collapsed by now.
c.       A universe as smooth as predicted by the CMB should be expanding much faster than we are now.
d.      A universe as smooth as predicted by the CMB should never occur, because quantum mechanical fluctuations would have been imprinted on it.
e.       A universe as smooth as predicted by the CMB should never have formed any stars or galaxies.
40.      Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) describes how __________ works.
a.       gravity
b.      the strong nuclear force
c.       electricity
d.      magnetism
e.       light
41.      The figure below illustrates pair production in the early universe, with one particle labeled with a question mark.
What type of particle must this be?
a.       proton
b.      electron
c.       Antiproton
d.      positron
e.       neutron
42.      What is the minimum combined energy of the photons that would produce a pair of massive particles electron-positron? (Note: me is the rest mass of an electron.)
a.       2mec2
b.      mec2
c.       1/2mec2
d.      E = mec2
e.       This cannot happen.

43.      A grand unified theory (GUT) unites which forces?
a.       only electromagnetism, weak nuclear forces, and strong nuclear forces
b.      only gravity and strong nuclear forces
c.       only electromagnetism, gravity, and weak nuclear forces
d.      only gravity and electromagnetism forces
e.       all four known forces
44.      Scientists think that, soon after the Big Bang, the four fundamental forces of nature were united into one superforce, and __________ was the first to split off from the others.
a.       the strong force
b.      electromagnetism
c.       the weak force
d.      gravity
e.       nucleosynthesis
45.      Which list correctly orders objects from the first one to form after the Big Bang to the last one to form.
a.       neutral atoms, protons, nuclei
b.      protons, nuclei, neutral atoms
c.       nuclei, neutral atoms, protons
d.      protons, neutral atoms, nuclei
e.       nuclei, protons, neutral atoms
46.      Which of the fundamental forces in nature have an infinite range of action?
a.       electromagnetic and gravity
b.      strong nuclear and gravity
c.       strong and weak nuclear
d.      electromagnetic and strong nuclear
e.       all four fundamental forces have an infinite range of action
47.      What particles are the carriers of the electromagnetic force?
a.       electrons
b.      magnetic monopoles
c.       gluons
d.      photons
e.       W+
48.      Which of the four fundamental forces is the weakest of all?
a.       electromagnetic
b.      gravity
c.       weak nuclear
d.      magnetic
e.       strong nuclear
49.      Which of the four fundamental forces governs the nuclear fusion inside stars?
a.       electromagnetic
b.      gravity
c.       weak nuclear
d.      magnetic
e.       strong nuclear
50.      What fundamental force is responsible for holding the nucleons together inside atomic nuclei?
a.       electromagnetic
b.      gravity
c.       weak nuclear
d.      gluons
e.       strong nuclear

51.      Which of the following is not true about the standard model?
a.       All particles are created without mass.
b.      It is a complete description of nature.
c.       Forces between particles are mediated by carrier particles.
d.      Particles acquire mass as they interact with the Higgs boson.
e.       Every particle in nature has a corresponding antiparticle.
52.      Which of the following would represent the unification of all fundamental forces?
a.       the electroweak theory
b.      quantum chromodynamics (QCD)
c.       quantum electrodynamics (QED)
d.      grand unified theories (GUT)
e.       the Theory of Everything (TOE)
53.      The TOE breaks within ___________ of the Big Bang.
a.       10-43 s
b.      10-35 s
c.       10-13 s
d.      15 s
e.       3 min
54.      Which of the following are not considered carrier particles used to mediate forces between other particles?
a.       photons
b.      gluons
c.       Zo particles
d.      quarks
e.       W+ particles
55.      How would scientists describe the antiparticle of an electron?
a.       It would have the same charge but opposite spin.
b.      It would have the same mass but opposite charge.
c.       It would have the opposite charge and higher mass.
d.      It would have the opposite spin and higher mass.
e.       It would have the opposite charge but same spin.
56.      In the very early universe, which type of particles and antiparticles first stopped being spontaneously formed out of photons any why?
a.       protons and neutrons, because their formation requires a larger number of photons
b.      electrons and positrons, because their formation requires a smaller number of photons
c.       protons and antiprotons, because their formation requires higher energy photons
d.      electrons and neutrinos, because their formation requires lower energy photons
e.       protons, antiprotons, electrons, and neutrinos stopped forming at the same time.
57.      What would the universe be like if there were complete symmetry between matter and antimatter?
a.       It would look similar to our universe, but half of it would be composed of antimatter.
b.      We would observe two universes, one an antimatter reflection of the other.
c.       There would be no universe, because all of the matter and antimatter would have been annihilated.
d.      There would be a universe devoid of matter, entirely composed of photons.
e.       It would look similar to our universe, but the charges of all of the particles would be reversed.

58.      To verify whether or not some grand unified theories are correct, physicists are searching for
a.       the Big Rip.
b.      miniblack holes.
c.       antimatter.
d.      protons that decay.
e.       dark matter that decays.
59.      Grand unified theories are very attractive because they can explain
a.       why we have five fundamental forces in the universe today.
b.      why the Big Bang never made any antimatter.
c.       why the universe consists mostly of matter.
d.      why the CMB is very smooth.
e.       what happens inside a black hole.
60.      What is the Planck era?
a.       the earliest moments after the Big Bang
b.      a period when quantum mechanics is needed to describe both spacetime and particles
c.       the time period when a theory of everything (TOE) is needed to understand the universe
d.      when spacetime can be described as a quantum mechanical “foam” rather than a smooth sheet
e.       all of the above
61.      As the universe cooled shortly after the Big Bang, which was the first fundamental force to separate itself out from the others?
a.       electromagnetism
b.      gravity
c.       the nuclear force
d.      the strong force
e.       the weak force
62.      Which of the following is an invalid statement?
a.       The inflation epoch must have occurred before all four forces broke apart.
b.      Scientists have confirmed the Grand Unified Theory by observing the decay of protons in laboratory experiments.
c.       In the superstring theory that successfully unites gravity and quantum mechanics, the universe must have 11 dimensions (10 spatial and 1 temporal).
d.      The weak force mediates the beta decay of neutrons into protons, electrons, and antineutrinos.
e.       The four fundamental forces of nature are gravity, electromagnetism, the weak and the strong nuclear forces.
63.      At what stage in the universe’s history do we think the asymmetry between matter and antimatter was created?
a.       at the very moment the Big Bang occurred
b.      around the time gravity separated out of the single superforce
c.       around the time the strong force separated out of the grand unified theory
d.      around the time the weak force and electromagnetism separated
e.       around the time the electric and magnetic forces separated
64.      Which was a triumph of quantum electrodynamics (QED)?
a.       QED predicted the existence of three carrier particles before they were discovered in laboratory experiments.
b.      QED unites the strong and weak nuclear forces.
c.       QED is an example of a theory of everything.
d.      QED successfully explains the origin of quantum mechanical fluctuations in the CMB.
e.       QED combined the electric and magnetic forces.

65.      The standard model of particle physics is incomplete because it leaves which question(s) unanswered?
a.       Do neutrinos have mass?
b.      Why is the strong nuclear force so much stronger than the weak nuclear force?
c.       Why was there an imbalance between matter and antimatter?
d.      Does gravity have a corresponding charge carrier?
e.       all of the above
66.      Why does a unified force split to become two separate forces?
a.       The universe expands so much that carrier particles become too dense.
b.      The average energy of photons was not enough to produce particles mediating the interactions
c.       Dark energy becomes significant at later times and forces the two to split.
d.      The spatial dimensions split and so must the forces.
e.       Too many particles are created for the unified force to manage.
67.      Even with infinitely powerful telescopes, we can look back in time only until the time when
a.       galaxies first formed.
b.      hydrogen and helium formed.
c.       stars first formed.
d.      gravity split off from a superforce.
e.       recombination happened.
68.      Which of the following have both been predicted and conclusively confirmed experimentally?
a.       the decay of proton
b.      the inflationary model
c.       the carrier particles for the force of gravity
d.      the Higgs boson
e.       the 10 spatial dimensions in superstring theory
69.      In the superstring theory that successfully unites gravity and quantum mechanics, the universe must have
a.       four dimensions (three spatial and one temporal).
b.      six dimensions (three spatial and three temporal).
c.       seven dimensions (six spatial and one temporal).
d.      nine dimensions (eight spatial and one temporal).
e.       eleven dimensions (10 spatial and 1 temporal).
70.      In some particle physics theories, the universe must have more than three spatial dimensions, but we experience only three. Why would we not see the other spatial dimensions?
a.       The other nine spatial dimensions are too small to be noticeable.
b.      The other seven spatial dimensions are tightly wrapped around each other and have not expanded.
c.       The other seven spatial dimensions undergo inflation and flatten themselves out.
d.      The other nine spatial dimensions wrap around each another and form the temporal dimension.
e.       The other seven spatial dimensions are completely full of dark matter.
71.      Which of these are possible types of multiple universes that could exist?
a.       parallel universes with different physics and different mathematical explanations
b.      other parts of an infinite universe that are so far away that we cannot observe them
c.       quantum mechanical parallel universes, which are created each time something happens that has a probability of occurring in a different way, such as a roll of dice
d.      a multiverse with constant inflation, where each universe forms due to quantum fluctuations stopping that inflation
e.       all of the above

1.      In a universe with no dark energy, what will happen to the expansion of the universe in the future if (a) Ωm > 1, (b) Ωm = 1, and (c) Ωm < 1?
2.      Why does the critical mass density of the universe depend on the value of Hubble’s constant, H0?
3.      The critical mass density of the universe today is 9.5 × 1027 kg/m3. Using (only) the currently observed amount of luminous matter, what would be the average mass density in the universe? If protons were spread evenly throughout the universe, what would be their typical separation? (Note that the typical separation between protons would be roughly equal to the cubic root of the average volume occupied by one proton, and the mass of a proton is 1.67 × 1027 kg.)
4.      If dark energy is currently causing the expansion rate of the universe to increase with time, does this mean that you should worry that the Sun, the Earth, and your body itself are expanding? Why or why not?
5.      If you found a globular cluster that had an age of 20 billion years, what cosmological observations would conflict with this observation?
6.      Why does the sum of Ωm and ΩΛ determine the shape of our universe?
7.      If the Hubble constant were larger than it is, how would that change the measured age of the universe? Explain your answer.
8.      Outline the essential difference between the view of the empty space employed by Friedmann and the properties of the empty space in modern cosmology.
9.      Indicate two different experiments that offer evidence for a flat universe.
10.      Summarize the possible shapes of the universe and indicate if the Euclidian geometry is applicable in each case.
11.      Briefly explain the possible scenarios for the fate of the universe assuming that: (i) dark energy decreases in time, (ii) it increases in time, and (iii) it is a constant.
12.      If there were enough mass to slow down the expansion rate of the universe, how would the Hubble constant measured using very distant galaxies be different from what is observed in galaxies that are closer to us? Explain your answer. Is this what we observe in our universe?
13.      Explain why the production of electron-positron pairs requires less energetic photons than the production of proton-antiproton pairs?
14.      What was the temperature of the universe when photons were no longer able to spontaneously create proton-antiproton pairs? (Note that a photon’s energy is equal to , the cosmic background at any point in time has a blackbody spectrum that peaks at a wavelength , and the mass of a single proton is 1.67 × 1027 kg.)
15.      Why does inflation not violate the fundamental rule that nothing can travel through space faster than the speed of light?
16.      What is the “flatness problem” in cosmology?
17.      What can solve the flatness and horizon problem in cosmology, and why?
18.      Explain what the uncertainty principle means and how it relates to the horizon problem.
19.      What are the names of the two particles that mediate the electromagnetic force in quantum electrodynamics (QED) and the strong force in quantum chromodynamics (QCD)?
20.      What is the difference between a grand unified theory (GUT) and a theory of everything (TOE)?
21.      Indicate the four fundamental forces of nature by listing their names and describing what effect each force has on objects in the universe.
22.      What is the main reason that GUT theories are being pursued?
23.      Explain why the Higgs bosons are important in the context of the standard model.
24.      In quantum electrodynamics (QED), what mediates the electromagnetic force between particles?
25.      Explain why astronomers cannot accurately model the exact history of the universe in the first few fractions of a second after the Big Bang.
26.      Outline two essential problems/questions to which the standard model doesn’t offer an answer.
27.      How would the antiparticle of the neutron be different from the neutron itself?
28.      Explain why the superstring theory is considered more like a speculative idea or hypothesis rather than a scientific theory.
29.      According to superstring theory, how are different varieties of elementary particles similar? How do they differ?
30.      Explain why inflation could lead to an infinite number of multiverses inside our own universe. Are they likely to be similar or different than our own universe?

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