Saturday, 17 December 2016

Test bank for Introduction to Geospatial Technologies first edititon by Bradley Shellito

Test bank for Introduction to Geospatial Technologies first edititon by Bradley Shellito

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(Chapter 2 Test Bank Questions)

Multiple Choice:
1.      A datum represents
a.      a reference surface used in computing coordinates.
b.      a zero point from which to calculate elevations.
c.       the origin point for longitude measurements.
d.      the curvature of the Earth, used in computing latitude and longitude.

2.       A model of the Earth based on mean sea level is
a.      geoid.
b.      spheroid.
c.       ellipsoid.
d.      a great circle.

3.       Where is the WGS84 datum used for measurements?
a.       The whole world, except for the north and south poles
b.      Only the entire northern hemisphere
c.       At all points across the world
d.      Only in North America

4.       One minute of latitude is equivalent to
a.       60 degrees of latitude.
b.      1 degree of longitude.
c.       60 seconds of latitude.
d.      60 meters.

5.       The origin point for 0 degrees longitude is
a.      Greenwich, England.
b.      Washington, D.C., USA.
c.       Paris, France.
d.      San Salvador Island, the Bahamas.

6.      The 180th meridian refers to the
a.       compass rose line.
b.      equator.
c.       prime meridian.
d.      international date line.

7.      The shortest distance between two points on a sphere is the
a.      great-circle distance.
b.      longitude distance.
c.       equatorial distance.
d.      datum distance.

8.      If it is 10pm Sunday night in London, England, what day and time is it in New York City, New York?
a.       3am Sunday
b.      5pm Sunday
c.       3am Monday
d.      10pm Monday

9.       A map projection is a
a.      translation of locations on the Earth’s surface to their corresponding locations on a flat surface.
b.      model of the Earth in regards to size and shape of objects on the Earth’s surface.
c.       representation of how time zones are distributed with respect to geographic boundaries.
d.      system used in translating decimal degrees to other forms of measurement.

10.   Each UTM zone covers how many degrees of longitude wide?
a.       3
b.      6
c.       15
d.      30

11.   UTM coordinates are measured in
a.       degrees, minutes, and seconds.
b.      miles.
c.       meters.
d.      feet.

12.   What is used to ensure that UTM measurements of the southern hemisphere have a positive value?
a.      A false northing value
b.      A false easting value
c.       A false southing value
d.      A false polar value
13.  Each UTM zone uses a false easting value of
a.       50 miles.
b.      500,000 m.
c.       10,000,000 ft.
d.      15 degrees of longitude.

14.  How are SPCS zones determined?
a.       By every 3 degrees of longitude and every 3 degrees of latitude indicating a new zone
b.      By every 2,000,000 feet beginning a new zone
c.       By the geographic boundaries of states and counties

d.      By using the states’ outlines for the boundaries, then cutting each state exactly in half

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