Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Complete Solutions for Accounting Information System 12e by Marshall B. Romney Paul J. Steinbart

Complete Solutions for Accounting Information System 12e by Marshall B. Romney Paul J. Steinbart

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Overview of Business Processes
2.1    Table 2-1 lists some of the documents used in the revenue, expenditure, and human resources cycle.  What kinds of input or output documents or forms would you find in the production (or conversion) cycle?
2.2    With respect to the data processing cycle, explain the phrase “garbage in, garbage out.” How can you prevent this from happening?
2.3    </inst><para>What kinds of documents are most likely to be turnaround documents?  Do an internet search to find the answer and to find example turnaround documents.
2.4    The data processing cycle in Figure 2-1 is an example of a basic process found throughout nature.  Relate the basic input/process/store/output model to the functions of the human body.
2.5    Some individuals argue that accountants should focus on producing financial statements and leave the design and production of managerial reports to information systems specialists.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of following this advice?  To what extent should accountants be involved in producing reports that include more than just financial measures of performance?  Why?</para></question></general-problem></problemset>
2.1    The chart of accounts must be tailored to an organization’s specific needs.  Discuss how the chart of accounts for the following organizations would differ from the one presented for S&S in <link linkend="ch02table04" preference="0">Table 2-2<xref linkend="ch02table04" label="2-4"/></link>.</para>
2.2    <para>Design a chart of accounts for SDC.  Explain how you structured the chart of accounts to meet the company’s needs and operating characteristics.  Keep total account code length to a minimum, while still satisfying all of Mace’s desires.</para><source>
2.3   An audit trail enables a person to trace a source document to its ultimate effect on the financial statements or work back from amounts in the financial statements to source documents.  Describe in detail the audit trail for the following:</para>
2.4    Your nursery sells various types and sizes of trees, bedding plants, vegetable plants, and shrubs.  It also sells fertilizer and potting soil.  Design a coding scheme for your nursery.
2.5    Match the following terms with their definitions

a.  data processing
1.       Contains summary-level data for every asset, liability, equity, revenue, and expense account
b.  source documents
2.   Items are numbered consecutively to account for all items; missing items cause a gap in the numerical sequence
c.  turnaround documents
3.   Path of a transaction through a data processing system from point of origin to final output, or backwards from final output to point of origin
d.  source data automation
4.   List of general ledger account numbers; allows transaction data to be coded, classified, and entered into proper accounts; </para  <para>facilitates preparation of financial statements and reports
e.  general ledger
5.   Contents of a specific field, such as “George” in a name field
f.  subsidiary ledger
6.   Portion of a data record that contains the data value for a particular attribute, like a cell in a spreadsheet
g.  control account
7.   Company data sent to an external party and then returned to the system as input
h.  coding
8.   Used to record infrequent or non-routine transactions
i.  sequence code
9.   Characteristics of interest that need to be stored
j.  block code
10. The steps a company must follow to efficiently and effectively process data about its transactions
k. group code
11. Something about which information is stored
l.  mnemonic code
12. Stores cumulative information about an organization; like a ledger in a manual AIS.
m.  chart of accounts
13. Contains detailed data for any general ledger account with many individual subaccounts
n. general journal
14. Contains records of individual business transactions that occur during a specific time period
o.  specialized journal
15. Updating each transaction as it occurs
p.  audit trail
16. Devices that capture transaction data in machine-readable form at the time and place of their origin
q.  entity
17. Used to record large numbers of repetitive transactions
r.  attribute
18. Set of interrelated, centrally coordinated files
s.  field
19. Two or more subgroups of digits are used to code items
t.  record
20. Updating done periodically, such as daily
u.  data value
21. Systematic assignment of numbers or letters to items to classify and organize them
v.  master file
22. Letters and numbers, derived from the item description, are interspersed to identify items; usually easy to memorize
w.  transaction file
23. Initial record of a transaction that takes place; usually recorded on preprinted forms or formattted screens
x.  database
24. Fields containing data about entity attributes; <keyterm linkend="ch02kt29" role="strong" preference="1">like a row in a spreadsheet
y.  batch processing
25. Sets of numbers are reserved for specific categories of data
z.  online, real-time processing
26. The general ledger account corresponding to a subsidiary ledger, where the sum of all subsidiary ledger entries should equal the amount in the general ledger account

2.6    For each of the following scenarios identify which data processing method (batch or online, real-time) would be the most appropriate.
2.7    <para>After viewing the Web sites, and based on your reading of the chapter, write a 2 page paper that describes how an ERP can connect and integrate the revenue, expenditure, human resources/payroll, and financing cycles of a business.

2.8         Which of  the following actions update a master file and which would be stored as a record in a transaction file?

1.       Update customer address change
2.      Update unit pricing information
3.      Record daily sales
4.      Record payroll checks
5.      Change employee pay rates
6.      Record production run variances
7.      Record Sales Commissions
8.     Change employee office location
9.      Update accounts payable balance
10.  Change customer credit limit
11.   Change vendor payment discount terms
12.  Record purchases

2.9        You were hired to assist Ashton Fleming in designing an accounting system for S&S.  Ashton has developed a list of the journals, ledgers, reports, and documents that he thinks S&S needs (see <link linkend="ch02table06" preference="1">Table 2-6<xref linkend="ch02table06" label="2-8"/></link>).  He asks you to complete the following tasks:</para>
a.      Specify what data you think should be collected on each of the following four documents: 
b.      Design a report to manage inventory.</para></listitem>
1.       Design a report to assist in managing credit sales and cash collections.
2.      Visit a local office supply store and identify what types of journals, ledgers, and blank forms for various documents (sales invoices, purchase orders, etc.) are available.  Describe how easily they could be adapted to meet S&S’s needs. 

2.1    Bar Harbor Blueberry Farm
Data from Case

Supplier Invoice
Supplier Name
Supplier Address
March 7
Bud’s Soil Prep, Inc.
PO Box 34
March 11
Osto Farmers Supply
45 Main
$     67.50
March 14
Whalers Fertilizer, Inc.
Route 34
March 21
Osto Farmers Supply
45 Main
March 21
IFM Package Wholesale
587 Longview
March 24
IFM Package Wholesale
587 Longview
$   267.88

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